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Nick’s Friday Round-Up: Awesome Stuff Edition

Yes, yes it is.

Hello people of the instanets, Nick here. It's Friday, so you all know what that means... REBECCA BLACK! Wait... no... sorry. FRIDAY ROUND-UP!

Do you want to be the envy of all your friends this Halloween? Then why don't you make your very own Optimus Prime costume. It's pretty legit. []

You know how your parents were always telling you to stop playing video games and go outside and play? Well now you have a legitimate reason for playing them. Well... other than the fact that video games are AWESOME. They teach you life skills. []

I know I'm always thinking to myself what kind of ammo I'm gonna need during a zombie apocalypse, because, let's be honest, It's gonna happen someday. Well now you don't have to think about it. You can now buy live ammunition, specifically for fighting off zombies. []

This really doesn't even need an intro summary, or whatever these paragraphs are called. It's the freakin' MUPPETS! The new Muppet movie trailer. Enjoy the awesome. []

Are you annoyed with trying to find a place to set your portable webcam? Do you want to do fancy schmancy angles with it, or just put it someplace out of your way? Well here's a how-to on connecting your webcam to a swing-arm lamp. [TheNewHobbyist]

Tagged as: ammunition, apocalypse, boom, Costume, muppets, optimus prime, trailer, transformers, video game skills, webcam, zombies Leave a comment

3 comments on “Nick’s Friday Round-Up: Awesome Stuff Edition

  1. Lisa Foiles on said:


    • Nick LabyrinthX on said:

      I saw that picture and laughed so hard a tear came to my eye. I knew you’d like it too.

  2. Good to know there’s an ammo manufacturer that realizes the need for anti-zombie ammunition. lol


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