Name: Nick, aka "savepointnick"
Posts by savepointnick:
Nick’s Friday Round-Up
May 31st, 2013There's a lot of controversy with the Xbox One. There were rumors that they would not run used games. Well, it will, but they made it extremely difficult for retailers to sell them. [gammasquad]
The end is neigh! Oh, it begins with LEGOs, but then it evolves into Armageddon! A full-size LEGO terminator. [geekologie]
When the apocalypse comes, whether it be zombie, terminator, asteroid, or otherwise, you're gonna need a nice, safe place to play your xbox. You should invest in a personal gaming module. [gammasquad]
A guy rides a snowmobile off a cliff. Major points deducted for not sticking the landing. [geekologie]
One of the most perplexing questions in the history of nerddom is "How does Superman shave?". This question has actually been explained, but most people just don't know it. [gammasquad]
So unless you don't have a soul, then you absolutely love grumpy cat, which means you'll love this bit of news. Grumpy cat is getting her own movie. [geekosystem]
If you recall a couple round-ups back, I posted some TMNT twistie-tie art. Apparently it's a thing now, and there's a lot more of it. [geekologie]
BREAKING NEWS: A Dalek was found at the bottom of a pond in the UK! [blastr]
WE HAVE AN IRL LIGHT SABER! Well about as good as it's gonna get, at least for now. [blastr]
This really isn't news, but just a really beautiful game that I'm excited to play, called Rain. [gammasquad]
Nick’s Friday Round-Up
May 24th, 2013In movies, there's a thing called "foreshadowing". This is when a movie shows you something early in the movie, seemingly for no reason, so when it happens again later in the movie, it makes sense. Sometimes it's in your face, while other times it's tiny clues that you can completely miss. Here are 5 examples. [cracked]
Someone built a full-scale X-Wing Figher... out of 5 million LEGOs. [blastr]
A father/son team put together a full-size arcade in their basement. I wouldn't even consider doing this. The main reason being that my basement is filled with spiders, and there's no way I'm going down there. [geekologie]
There has always been a battle between the Star Wars fandom and the Trekkies. With that said, you should watch this video. Death Star vs Enterprise. [blastr]
Ever wondered to yourself what Batman and Superman would smell like? Well wonder no more. You can purchase their cologne. I'm serious... [geekologie]
A big part of selling a videogame is the cover art. Some are amazing, while others are definitely something to be desired. Here are the 20 worst videogame covers of all time. [dorkly]
There are some games out there that people have played for so long, that they don't realize some of the rules they're using aren't officially rules at all. However, these rules do tend to make THE GAME more fun. Case in point... [cracked]
When you're too lazy to walk to your xbox to switch out the game disc, you build a 32 disc changing carousel out of LEGOs. Me... I just use the force. [geekologie]
Someone finally did it. They made a real-life fire-breathing Super Mario Bros. Piranha Plant. I'm not jumping over that. I value my sun-deprived skin. [geekosystem]
There've been many Legend of Zelda games throughout the franchise, but which are the best ones? Here are the top 10. [dorkly]
You know when you purchase a new laptop, you get it home, fire it up, and there's tons and tons of crap already installed on it? Yeah... people are actually paid to slow your laptop down, on purpose, with all that stuff. [howtogeek]
Want to feel really dumb and have your geek-cred go down -5 points? This 4 year old girl knows more about comics than you do. [blastr]
Nick’s Friday Round-Up
May 10th, 2013What happens when you give somebody 150,000 LEGOs? A HUGE MESS! Oh wait... that's if you give them to me. If you give them to some much more creative people, you get a recreation of the Battle of Helm's Deep. [gammasquad]
Ok, what if you give someone a bunch of multi-colored twistie-ties? Once again, if you give them to me, all you're gonna get is a bunch of spiral shapes because I wrapped them around my fingers. If you give them to someone else, you get twistie-tie sculptures of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. [geekologie]
As of about a week ago I FINALLY beat Dead Space. Yes, the very first one. So I find this fitting that someone built an IRL burning Dead Space plasma cutter. [geekologie]
Hooray for Microsoft making a smart move! The next-gen XBOX will NOT require you to always be connected in order to play singleplayer games. [geekosystem]
MORE HOMEMADE STUFF!! Someone made an 80,000 volt Thor's Hammer. [geekologie]
If you've never played Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem on Gamecube, I HIGHLY recommend you go play it. With that said, there's plans to make a "sequal"/"successor" game for it. A lot of people don't want this to happen for one reason or another, but I, for one, welcome it. [gamesradar]
For those who were looking forward to Jurassic Park 4, especially since the 3D release of the original, then I'm sorry to let the wind out of your sails, but Jurassic Park 4 has been put on hold. [gammasquad]
Time travel seems like it would be an amazing experience if it were possible. Just look at all the adventures from Doctor Who and Marty McFly. Most people don't consider the annoyances and frustrations that time travel might actually cause. [blastr]
In really stupid news, Disney has hired EA to create Star Wars games. Seriously, Disney? Seriously? [gammasquad]
So you think you're a true Star Wars nerd? Test your knowledge with these 7 terms from Star Wars that don't mean what you think they mean. [dorkly]
When it comes to movies in 3D, you either like it or hate it, but there are some video game franchises out there that could really benefit from a 3D CGI movie release. [gammasquad]
Nick’s Friday Round-Up
April 26th, 2013Have a watch of this Rube goldberg machine with dominos, toast, flying plastic things and cool, slo-mo effects, all tied neatly together with some techno/dubstep. [vimeo]
Need some steampunk awesomeness in your life? How about a steampunk train engine bbq grill. [geekologie]
Need moar steampunk? Here's a steampunk AT-AT made by a guy as an engagement gift. [blastr]
The cake is NOT a lie! You can purchase an officially licensed Aperture Science cake mix. [geekologie]
What does it look like to wring out a washcloth in space? Let's find out. [youtube]
I don't have a motorcycle, but I do have a bicycle, which is reason enough for me to get this Predator motorcycle helmet. I'll be the coolest kid on the street! [geekologie]
The time is nigh! Xbox is finally revealing their next-gen console. [geekosystem]
I love the Power Glove, it's so bad. My friend gave me a Power Glove many years ago, but I lost it very soon afterwards. I've been sad ever since, but maybe this Power Glove oven mitt will help with the sadness. [geekologie]
After all the craziness about the upcoming Ninja Turtles movie, they've officially changed the title back to what it should be. TEENAGE MUTANT Ninja Turtles! [blastr]
If you've been absent from the internet the past couple days, then maybe you haven't heard that Nintendo won't be at E3 this year. [geekosystem]
I haven't posted many things food related in a while, so I found this pop-tart ice cream sandwich to be appropriate. [geekosystem]
What would a round-up be without something LEGO related? Well here ya go. Sci-Fi movie posters recreated as LEGOs. [blastr]
I love me some oldschool Disney games. Here are 5 classic Disney games that need to be remade, and some that don't. [gammasquad]
Nick’s Friday Round-Up: Quick Links Edition
April 12th, 20133D Tetris chalk drawing [geekologie]
18 greatest time travelers in videogame history [dorkly]
Stop-motion, arcade themed animation with post-its [geekologie]
Old-school Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles intro theme performed by real turtles. [blastr]
LEGO alien city made with 200,000 LEGOs [geekologie]
First look at Batman: Arkham Origins game [geekosystem]
How video games actually help you [howtogeek]
Disney shuts down LucasArts [geekologie]
Star Wars game, 1313, starring Boba Fett, got canned by Disney. [blastr]
The new XBOX console will be backwards compatible... for a price. [gammasquad]
The book that was read by Clara on Doctor Who is now a real ebook. [geekosystem]
The U.S. Navy has a huge laser cannon. MUHAHAHAHA!!! [gammasquad]
How the heck do cats work? [geekosystem]
A fan-made, gritty Calvin and Hobbes movie trailer. [gammasquad]
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Nick’s Friday Round-Up
March 29th, 2013What if Jurassic Park and Star Wars were one movie? Well here's a mashup trailer for that exact thing. [geekosystem]
Now-a-days people's time is very limited, so sitting down to watch an entire movie saga is nearly impossible. So for those of you in this situation, who want to watch all 6 Star Wars movies, why not watch all 6 at the exact same time. [blastr]
Ever been curious as to what current video games would look like as Atari cartridges? [geekologie]
For those of you die-hard NES fans, you can now buy game cartridge pillows. They even work all the time without having to blow on them. [geekologie]
A Best Buy employee discovered a complete NES deluxe system that was sold to the store, including R.O.B. the robot. It was meant to be recycled, but this fellow could not let that happen. He took some risks at the chance of being fired. Here is his story. [gammasquad]
I've never been able to solve a Rubik's cube without removing and replacing the stickers. This guy juggles three of them, and solves them at the same time. I can't even comprehend how this is possible. [geekologie]
One thing I'm not a big fan of in any video game, is the stupid escort missions. All you want to do is get from point A to point B, but now you have to worry about some other person who can't even lift a finger to help, or if they can, their health is so low it doesn't even matter. Here are the 13 worst escort missions in videogame history. [dorkly]
The upcoming TMNT movie has finally cast all 4 turtle actors. [blastr]
Speaking of ninja turtles, take a look at the seriously creepy looking turtles in this upcoming tmnt game. I'm gonna have nightmares. [gammasquad]
If you don't know yet, Doctor Who will be back with new episodes this Saturday! Here are a couple mini-episodes you should watch before the new episodes. First Episode [blastr] Second Episode [blastr]
Nick’s Friday Round-Up: Quick Fix Edition #2
March 22nd, 2013I've been playing Minecraft since Alpha 1.2.2, and in that time I've seen some amazing things. Entire worlds recreated, amazing adventure maps, and some mind-blowing contraptions. This, however, has got to be one of the most amazing things I've seen so far. Youtube user nuropsych1 made a 5 minute long Beetlejuice roller coaster (minecart track). And what makes this even more impressive, is he did it in XBOX Minecraft. I, personally, can't see how people can play Minecraft with a controller, but apparently it's not that difficult after seeing this creation.
The basic concept for this roller coaster comes from the intro to the Beetlejuice cartoon from the 80s/90s, while also throwing in a lot of stuff from the actual movie. What's also impressive is that he did this in one take, without jerking the view, and always seeming to be looking in the right spot at the exact right time.
I am extremely impressed with this build, and nuropsych1 has all the props I can give. Mad ones at that, like, seriously angry ones. Great job, bro.
If that wasn't enough for you, then here's a couple more links to click...
A LEGO machine that can fold and launch paper airplaines [geekologie]
3D printed GLaDOS ceiling lamp [instructables]
15 of the most sadly unfinished franchises in videogame history [dorkly]
A NEW DBZ MOVIE!! Not live-action, but from the actual series. (personally super excited about this one.) [blastr]
Nick’s Friday Round-Up
March 15th, 2013Once again, I ran across a video that absolutely deserves to be spotlighted in this post, so here it is. Possibly the best video ever to grace the stage of the internet.
Want to really screw with peoples minds? Decorate your house with glitch furniture. Make your house look like a dying computer screen. [io9]
If you need an amazing graphic of war-torn Syria, go ahead and grab a picture from Assassin's Creed. This news station did. [geekosystem]
Who's fingers are THAT small to make a half-inch papercraft Millennium Falcon. [blastr]
Let's scale things up a bit with a life size papercraft Zelda. [geekologie]
If you haven't heard, which I don't know how you couldn't have, there's a kickstarter to raise $2,000,000 to help make a Veronica Mars movie. Within the first 4 hours, it had already received 1 million, which is just one of at least 3 records it broke for kickstarter. As of me writing this, it's already surpassed that, by earning $3.3 million. Let me say that VM is my second favorite shows ever, and this pleases me greatly. [wired]
The previous wired article raised many questions, such as if people were duped into actually giving money toward the project. Here is a conversation by some IGN editors to help answer these questions. []
With the success of the Veronica Mars movie kickstarter, there's even a possibly of another one of my top favorite shows ever to have a movie. Chuck! [blastr]
Now why would you want to manually switch songs, when your headphones can do it for you by reading your mind based on your mood. [geekologie]
Minecraft, in my opinion, is an amazing game, and now it's even being used as an educational tool, possibly the ultimate educational tool. [geekosystem]
As it turns out, elderly people who play video games tend to be happier and more active. [geekosystem]
There are games that have amazing launches, earning buttloads of money, and then there are some that nearly flop, however, a bad launch doesn't necessarily mean the game will fail. Here are the 9 worst videogame launches of all time. [dorkly]
Just because there's been a lack of news about a new sequel to Bill and Ted, doesn't mean the movie has been delayed. Movies just take time. [blastr]
Nick’s Friday Round-Up: Quick Fix Edition
March 1st, 2013As I was searching for all the links, I ran across this video, and felt it deserved to be the focal point of this weeks round-up. So enjoy the video, with a couple extra links thrown in.
For you cat lovers, you can make your very own Super Mario Piranha Plant cat tree. [instructables]
A bunkbed turned into an X-Wing Figher. [geekologie]
For those who are too lazy or clumsy to separate their Oreos, a man has invented a machine that can do it for you. [geekosystem]
Videogames wouldn't be the same without evil corporations. Here are the 20 most evil corporations in videogame history. [dorkly]
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Nick’s Friday Round-Up
February 22nd, 2013Some people have no idea how to decorate their living room. Well this guy did. He figured, "Why not turn it into a huge diorama of the battle of Hoth." "Honey! Do we have any cardboard?!?" [geekologie]
"Keep it, I got a Pit Bull now!" Well... for $13,000. Griff's original hoverboard prop from the movie is for sale on ebay. [geekologie]
So ya know how there's a kickstarter to fund an actual Death Star? Well now there's a kickstarter to fund an Xwing squadron to combat the Death Star. Folks, you can't make this stuff up. [geekosystem]
More diorama fun! A LEGO diorama of a bunch of scenes from Star Wars. Don't you wish you could shrink down and just walk through it at scale size? [blastr]
I don't know how you all feel about 3D, but for any Doctor Who fans, it looks as if the 50th Anniversary special will be in 3D. So grab those glasses and prepare yourselves. [blastr]
The original DeLorean from BTTF has been fully restored to it's amazing, time traveling, glory. I, for one, am very happy about this. [geekologie]
The Ghostbusters headquarters built out of LEGOs. How do they fit all those ghosts inside a containment unit THAT small? [gammasquad]
Here's a look at the cast of the original Star Trek series, if they were created by Pixar. [blastr]
Remember those groundbreaking graphics when Doom first came out? Well take a look at what it would look like if it was created with today's graphic technology. [geekologie]
Moar LEGO stuffs! It looks as if LEGO will officially be releasing an X-Wing Starfighter. [geekosystem]
Who's your favorite comic book villain? For me, it's the Joker, of course. I'm also a pretty big fan of Carnage. Here's a list of the top 25 comic book villains of all time. [dorkly]
If you've been itching to become a Jedi master, but lack the light saber fighting skills, well now you can take a class to learn how to fight with those pretty sabers of light. (rhyming was unintentional, but welcomed) [blastr]
Back in the day everybody wanted to get in on the videogame craze, including all kinds of food companies. Most were lame, but a few of them stood out and shined. Here are some actual GOOD video games that were based on junk food. [gammasquad]
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