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Nick’s Friday Round-Up

Hey there! For the 3 of you that read my round-up's, I'm sorry I wasn't able to post one last week, but I'm back with links galore! So let's hit the "Cray" button!

For those of you living under a rock, there was this one thing that happened with a dude skydiving from 24 miles up. For those who missed it, here's a recreation of the event with LEGO'S. [geekologie]

MOAR LEGOS, Ninja Turtle style! (not to be confused with gangnam style) [geekologie]

There was also a couple hardcore LEGO builders who built the Batcave. [howtogeek]

A flippin' amazeballs Batmobile concept car! [geekologie]

Time for food! More specifically, cookies. More specifically, things you can stuff inside cookies! []

One of my favorite things from this time of year is pumpkin. Pumpkin ANYTHING! Here are 19 of the best ways to eat pumpkin for breakfast. []

Tired of always burning the crap out of your mouth because you're too impatient to wait for your pizza to cool off before you take a bite? Well now, feel free to bite into your scalding hot pizza without fear. You can pop a "breath strip" that heals the burns from eating hot foods. [geekologie]

A real working Portal gun? Sadly, no. But a modded one that can levitate a companion cube exists! [howtogeek]

Let's all kick back, grab some popcorn, and watch 15 minutes of a documentary about the making of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. [gammasquad]

Here's something else you all need to watch. A marching band tribute to video games. IT HAS TETRIS! This is a "must watch". [geekologie]

World of Warcraft recreated in Minecraft in 1:1 scale [geekosystem]

A very well made Super Mario Bros. mod for Skyrim [geekologie]

Another hoodie to add to your geek collection. A Mario Bros. Tanooki hoodie. [geekosystem]

THE MOST AMAZING CAR CHASE YOU'VE EVER SEEN! Because it's shot using RC vehicles, and made to look like a scene from a movie. [geekosystem]

If you haven't played Dishonored yet, then you're seriously missing out. Maybe these 5 reasons you NEED to play Dishonored will get you throwing your money at this game. [gammasquad]

Now here's 5 things you'll learn about yourself while playing Dishonored. [cracked]


Nick’s Friday Round-Up

FOOD! I love to start these round-ups with food stuffs! Ever wanted to eat glass? How about making it look like you're eating glass, when in reality, you're actually eating some homemade translucent potato chips. [geekosystem]

Why does the McDonald's burger you see on TV look absolutely nothing like the one you get at the restaurant? [geekosystem]

We all love Jurassic Park. If you say you don't, then you're lying. If you're not lying, then you have no business watching movies. Even Lisa liked it, and she only just recently watched them. Yep. I just sold you out, Lisa Foiles. Well guess what... It looks like Jurassic Park 4 might just be a thing that's happening. [blastr]

Fringe fans got lucky this past season when Fringe got renewed for another half-season, and we already have our first peek at what's to come for season 5. [blastr]

Flintstones, meet the Flintstones. They're the modern stoneage family. Or are they? Perhaps they're the post-apocalyptic future family... [cracked]

I'm not a huge fan of Star Trek, but this Star Trek themed home-theater room is awesome, and I want it! [geekologie]

Ever look at that $100 light saber hanging on your wall, and think to yourself how much you wish you could use it to kill insects? Well guess what. With a bit of DIY ingenuity, YOU CAN! [howtogeek]

Oh the things George Lucas has meddled with when re-releasing the Star Wars movies 50 different times. Here are the 5 weirdest changes he's made to the original trilogy. [dorkly]

Not sure what to do with all those AOL CD's you've been saving since the 90s? Why not shatter them into pieces and make a dragon. [geekologie]

There's been so many zombie movies, I wouldn't even want to try and count them all, and there are things they all have in common that just never make, and we rarely ever question it. [cracked]

This may not seem like the coolest thing ever, but it just may actually be the coolest thing ever. Carved book landscapes. [geekologie]

ZOMG! ADORBZ OF THE DAY! A baby duck chases after someone. []

Something I have posted in a while is an awesome flash game. I now present to you, Little Wheel. Enjoy. [howtogeek]

Tagged as: aol cd, carved book landscapes, cd dragon, clear chips, cutest baby duck ever, fast food never looks the same as in the commercial, flash game, flintstones, , fringe, george lucas keeps changing things in star wars, glass shards, goku vs superman, goku will win, jurassic park 4, light saber as a a bug zapper, little wheel, mcdonalds, obi juan zapata, potato chips, star trek home theater, the coolest thing ever, the dark knight, the flintstones are from the future, zombie movies are questionable, zombies, zomg adorbz of the day 1 Comment

Nick’s Friday Round-Up: I’ve Spent Way Too Much Time Trying to Think of a Title Edition

Whenever I can, I like to start off my posts with food. Why? Because... food... What other reason do you need? So you know how awesome it is when you make that perfect pancake. And by "perfect pancake" I mean when you flip it over and it doesn't break. Well allow this guy to completely show you up. Enjoy some amazing pancake art. [geekologie]

It's Friday. Friday. Gotta post a sequel on Friday. Do you see where I'm going with this? *insert trollface* The "Poor man's Usher" has released an official sequel to the song "Friday". If you were looking forward to some Rebecca Black, I'm sorry to disappoint. It's just fake Usher. BUT... it's actually a pretty funny video. [geekosystem]

Unless you're one of the 7 people in the world who've been on a journey to deliver some kind of ring to a volcano, just so you can melt it down for scrap, then you know the Avenger's movie came out last week. If you've seen the movie, then you know that, *MINI-SPOILER* the city gets smashed up pretty bad. *END MINI-SPOILER* Of course you're thinking to yourself, "What if you were to calculate the damages and put them into an actual monetary value? What would it cost to repair everything?" Well wonder no more. [blastr]

For those of you who follow Lisa on twitter, then you know she steals potential content for my Round-Ups and links them to her followers. I'm pretty sure she does it just to spite me, but ya know what. I DON'T CARE. I'm gonna link it anyway. HAH! IN YOUR FACE LISA FOILES! Now everybody go watch this video of a guy playing the Tetris theme on a laser harp. Yes... a laser harp. [geekologie]

Everybody at one time in their life has watched Star Wars and thought to themselves how they would just love to be frozen in carbonite. Well your dream has come true! For the low low cost of $100 and a trip to a Disney theme park, you can make this dream a reality. Sort-of... []

QUICK, name 2 things that we all love, and can't believe haven't been combined yet! If you guessed Cheez Whiz and socks.... something is clearly wrong with you. If you guess R2-D2 and coffee... DING DING DING, YOU WIN! [geekologie]

(True story. I bought two laundry baskets. One for clean clothes. One for dirty clothes.)

Computer case modding has been a thing for quite a while. Screw you, iPad! I've seen some insane case mods, but once in a great while you run across one that completely wins the internet. This one has done that such thing. An AT-AT case mod, for your viewing pleasure. [geekosystem]

We have SO MANY videogames these days with so many genres. Some of them are amazing, while most of them are forgotten about. Even the great games could be made even better with a few tweaks. Here are 6 of the greatest video games we'll never get to play. Or maybe we could... Kickstarter anyone? [cracked]

Those crazy people down at Ubisoft have finally released an actual gameplay trailer for Assassin's Creed 3. I'm totally feeling this. Seriously... a bear. You get to fight a bear. If they're anything like the bears in Skyrim, then this is some SRS BSNS! [joystiq]

Speaking of Skyrim... I haven't talked about that in quite a while. Remember back in the day when I posted about that every week? Ah, yes... those were the days. Ok, so how about this. An Alduin dragon Skyrim cake. Legit baking skills are legit. [geekologie]

Speaking of Skyrim... Guess what's being developed into an MMO? The Elder Scrolls! It's been a long time coming, but we finally have a sneak peak. The Elder Scrolls Online teaser. [youtube]

You know when you get that urge to play Wolfenstein 3D, and you have to break out the 3 1/2" Floppy disks? Well, you can throw those disks away! Wait... you already have? What do you mean "what's a 3 1/2" Floppy disk?" You know what... screw you guys. Go play the game in your browser for free. [geekosystem]

This right here is something that NEEDS to be mass produced. A homemade RC Transformer. Not only is it RC'd as a vehicle, but it transforms, and can be completely controlled in it's robot form. It transforms without help, and doesn't fall over. TAKE MY MONEY NOW! [geekologie]

To finish it off, here's a guy who legally changed his name to Tyrannosaurus Rex. [geekosystem]

Tagged as: a guy named tyrannosaurus rex, alduin dragon cake, assassin's creed 3, at-at computer case, avengers, Bears, carbonite, cheez whis, chivalry is dead when it comes to mario kart, coffee, computer case mod, destruction!!!!, disney, elder scrolls online, fake usher, father, fighting a bear, floppy disks, floppy disks are not coasters or hard post-its, , friday, friday sequal, funeral, gameplay trailer, homemade rc transformer, I don't know what's better a guy named obiwan kenobi or tyrannosaurus rex, kids these days are stupid, laser harp, lazy laundry, lisa, lisa is out to get me, lotr, Mario Kart, old people, owling, pancake art, pancakes, poor man's usher, r2-d2, rebecca black, skyrim, srs bsns, , step ladder, take my money, , twitter, ubisoft, video games that need to be made, wedding, wolfenstein 3d, you're pancakes suck 3 Comments

Nick’s Friday Round-Up: The 4th of May Edition

I believe that food is always a good way to start a post. So, for your drooling pleasure, I present to you one of the greatest food inventions to come along in the past decade. The lasagna burger. [geekosystem]

Let's take a look at 16 "gross" pizza's from international pizza huts. To be honest, some of these really don't look that bad. []

We've all talked about how awesome it would be to mount laser beams onto sharks. Well guess what... this dream has been made into reality. []

We all love our theme songs, and so does Youtuber 331Erock. In fact, he loves them so much, he decided to reimagine many of them with a metal overlay. That's right, folks, you can listen to metal versions of TMNT, Dr Who, Zelda, Star Wars, Megaman, and more. [geekologie]

Our dreams are slowly coming true. A Back to the Future LEGO kit is a definite possibility, with different LEGO's to redesign the DeLorean to match all 3 movies. [geekosystem]

For those of you who still haven't been able to purchase an XBOX 360 over the past 6 years, now's your chance. XBOX is offering a $99 XBOX 360 with Kinect, with a 2 year XBOX LIVE contract at $15 a month. [geekosystem]

Video games have inspired many things, including movies and TV shows. Some of them turn out well, others, well, don't. Here are 8 of the worst TV shows inspired by video games. [dorkly]

All of us have our favorite super hero, but when it comes down to it, we ALL must respect the Batman. Or should we...? Here are 6 ways that Iron Man is objectively better than Batman. [cracked]

Geeks love their cosplay, especially when someone puts some serious work into their costume. Even better when the costume is a working version of the character. Case-in-point, this motorized Iron Man cosplay armor. [blastr]

When you take a glance at children's movies, it's all, "awww, that was a cute movie.", but let's take a deeper look at some of these movies to discover 6 disturbing, unanswered questions they present. [cracked]

One of my favorite shows on TV is Mythbusters. It's so awesome to see real science put up against myths, stereotypes, and even Youtube videos. I'm also not ashamed to say that the explosions and Kari Byron also play a part in my interest of this show. Here are 5 reasons that Mythbusters is one of the best nerd shows on TV. [gammasquad]

Speaking of explosions, let's watch a video of people explosively launching 55 gallon metal drums into the air. This seems perfectly safe. [geekologie]

Finally, in honor of May the 4th, Obiwan Kenobi has been arrested. I kid you not. [gammasquad]

Tagged as: 331erock, 360, arrested, Back to the Future, Batman, batman vs iron man, best iron man cosplay ever, blowing stuff up, bttf, cheap, cosplay, disturbing children's movies, dr who, Explosions, facebook, , freakin' lasers on sharks, google, gross, honestly they're not that gross, IMMA CHARGIN MUH LAZER, international pizza, iron man, kari byron, kinect, lasagna burger, lasers, , may the 4th, megaman, metal theme song covers, Mmmmm giant shrimp pizza, mythbusters, obiwan kenobi, , r2d2, seriously though kari byron is hot, Sharks, , star wars car, storm trooper, the droids we're looking for, , tv shows, unanswered questions, videogame tv shows, xbox, yoda, youtube, Zelda 2 Comments

Nick’s Friday Round-Up: BLOW… YOUR… MIND… EDITION

That was your mind, and that's the little girl who doesn't give two flying flips about it. Nick's Round-Up for Friday the 13th has begun. I'm gonna start of small and build up to the mind explosion. Let us commence.

I'll begin with something food-related. I'm actually a pretty good cook. Especially when it comes to baking. I've never had any training, so for any of us in the same boat, we tend to believe some things about cooking that are actually lies, ALL LIES!! Here are 9 ridiculous cooking myths that most of you probably thought to be truths. HAHA, SUCKERS! Oh wait... I have to admit, believed a couple of them. Maybe now, Lisa will be able to cook something besides cereal... Probably not. [cracked]

Here's a bit of nostalgia. I remember growing up, waking up early every Saturday to watch cartoons. When Saturday-morning cartoons were GOOD. Not like the crap they show today. Here are some cartoons from the 1990's that we want back, and that today's generation could benefit from. Maybe they'll actually grow some brain cells back that they've lost from the complete stupidity of today's cartoons.[ugo]

I'm not one to ever have any kind of interest in makeup, but this particular line actually caught my eye. A new brand called Fotoshop by Adobé. Remove wrinkles with a swipe of the brush. Lose those 40 extra pounds and reshape your body without the mess of surgery. It also works for men, animals, landscapes, and pretty much whatever you want to change. Check it out. Fotoshop by Adobé [vimeo]

Google Maps has given us a few lulz now and then with things they've captured as they've intrusively driven down our streets, taking pictures. Some of the things they've caught, they've actually had to blur out. This instance, as of yesterday, was not blurred. Sadly I just now checked it, and they blurred it. GRRRR. However, you can still see it, even with the blur.  Just click on the blur. The blur is a woman walking. You won't be disappoint. [] UPDATE: I found a website that saved the original pictures. Now you can fully enjoy the lulz! [flowerpoop]

As you all know, I love Skyrim. If you haven't figured that out by now, well then, apparently you don't read my Round-Ups very often, which is your own loss. Have you ever thought to yourself, "I wonder what Skyrim would be like in the present day?" Well, the good people at GroBroPros, on youtube, have created a video of that very thing. Here is SKYRIM 2012 [youtube]

You remember watching The Street Fighter series, right? Well our good pals at TheGameStation have created a new video spoof of the show Pawn Stars, creatively called, PWN Stars. If you don't laugh during this video, you've either never watched Pawn Stars, or never played any Legend of Zelda games. In either case, you're dead to me. [youtube]

I've been holding on to this link for the past few weeks. Since before Christmas. I believe now is the time to post it to you. A company in France has developed a special lighting display called CT Light Concept. Basically, it's able to project a 3D-style lighting display onto buildings, and thus opening new areas of awesome! Let the mind-blowing begin! [gammasquad]

If you've ever been to NYC or LA or Vancouver, or well, basically any big city with a good source of tourism, then you've seen a busker or two. a.k.a. street performer. I've seen people with some pretty amazing talents, but NOTHING quite like this. This guy absolutely blows me away. Apparently he didn't listen when his mom told him not to finger-paint on the walls, and it's a good thing he didn't. Whenever I finger-paint, it comes out looking like this. Whatever... I suck. Just watch the video. [youtube]

Here ya go. You can thank me later. [b3ta]

AND NOW... THE MOST EPIC THING YOU WILL EVER SEE, EVER! EVER! I tried to prepare you for this a couple days ago. I honestly don't think there's enough time to be able to train yourself to handle something this awesomazing. Maybe a mute monk up in the mountains of somewhere, with 50 years of training, but other than that, no. I am not responsible for anything that may happen to you during the viewing of this video. You can't say I didn't warn you. Lisa, if there's one thing you click on in all my Round-Ups, this would be the thing. [youtube]


Tagged as: 1990s, 2012, 3d lighting, adobe, arrow to the knee, awesomazing, betty white, busker, cartoons today suck, cereal, darth vader riding charizard, ever, explosion, finger painting, , fotoshop, friday the 13th, girl, google maps, grobropros, here you go, i suck at painting, lady falling, link, lisa sucks at cooking, lulz, makeup, making cereal is not considered cooking, mind blown, myths, nostalgia, nyc, old cartoons, paint, pawn stars, photoshop, present day, pwn, skyrim, spoof, , street figher, street performer, tardis, the greatest thing you will ever watch, thegamestation, tourism, youtube, Zelda 11 Comments

Nick’s Friday Round-Up: Surprise Nick-Rage at the End Edition


He's just saiyan...

Well hello there Save Point-ers. inb4pics of everybody pointing at me. My weeks, since Christmas, have been full of playing and beating the main story lines of both Batman: Arkham Asylum and Arkham City. I have to say that they are definitely, now, some of my top favorite games. If you haven't played them yet, then I thus command thee to go play them now. You won't be disappoint. While playing these games, I have gained a unhealthy sort of crush on Harley Quinn. OH, COME ON... You know there's that one video game character who, if they were real, you'd totally date them. Albeit Harley Quinn is a mad, killing psychopath, I think I could totally get past that. ANYWAY, let's get to the Round-Up.

We'll start off with one of everybody's favorite topics over the past few years. Zombie Apocalypse weaponry. This guy has created one of the most efficiently deadly, 3-in-1 zombie apocalypse weapons you'll ever use, and surprisingly, it's not a gun. [geekologie]

Food. We all love it. We can't live without it, but apparently there are some foods that we, here in America, do live without. Some of them are baffling as to WHY we don't have them here in the great US of A. Here are some fast food flavors you won't find in the US. [neatorama]

So this is a thing that's happening.... IN EUROPE. (are you even the least bit surprised?) As a promotion for the release of Star Wars Episode 1 in 3D, a European fast food chain is selling Star Wars themed hamburgers. This doesn't seem like a bad idea, but wait until you see the Darth Vader burger... Uhhhhh, I think I'll pass. ALSO, you spelled "Vader" wrong. [geekologie]

INDIANA JONES! Who doesn't love Indiana Jones? Apparently Harrison Ford didn't know if he liked it or not. Yes, that's right, Harrison Ford never watched the trilogy until just recently. Why don't we all sit down and watch him watch it for the first time. Well, at least clips of him watching it. []

While we're talking about watching movies of your young self. Two brothers sit down and watch old home movies of themselves, while giving DVD-movie-style commentary. This, my friends, is comic genius. [geekosystem]

What if old ATARI games were given realistic titles based on their box-art? Oh the magic of Photoshop Internet. [mightygodking]

I may not be the best Photoshop Paint Shop Pro editor around, but I'm pretty sure I'd be able to notice major flubs such as these, ESPECIALLY if they are going to be viewed by the mass public. The top 10 Photoshop disasters of 2011 [psdisasters]

Over the years we've seen some grand masterpieces. Paintings, cathedrals, statues, symphonies, etc... What you may not know is some of our greatest works of art have hidden Easter Eggs within them. Some of them may surprise you. Here are 7 bizarre Easter Eggs hidden within great works of art. Numbers 3 and 1 are my favorites. [cracked]

I have no segue into this one, so I'll just throw it at you. WE ALL LOVE BUBBLE WRAP! If you say you don't, you are a liar. End of story. The joys of popping each little bubble, brings a small bit of joy and warmth to our hearts. Why not have that joy every single day for an entire year? Well now you can, with a bubble wrap calendar. Pop your way to a better tomorrow. [geekosystem]

Video games now-a-days are more than just a single objective. Win the game. Get from the beginning to the end. No, games now-a-days have choices. You don't HAVE to save the princess. If you want, you can throw her into the pit of lava, while "MUAHAHAHA'ing" the entire time. I have first-hand experience, that even though the evil way may be more appealing, I find it better to take the good route. Lisa is a prime example of how being an evil, mass-murdering hero villain can come back to bite you in the butt. i.e. when she killed everyone in Fable 3 and had to come into my world of Albion to buy potions, because she didn't have anybody in her world to run the shops. Me, being the nice guy I am, allowed her to join my game to help her out, only to have her murder everyone in the city of Aurora, and continuing on to take me into Reaver's Wheel of Misfortune room and glitching my game to where I cannot escape the room. MY GAME IS BROKEN BECAUSE OF HER. Hours of game play, ruined! There is a small chance I can fix it, but I'd need her help... But Lisa is evil. I refer you to her post she made a couple weeks ago about me, Stuart and Dan. If you read what she said about me, you will get an idea of how evil she really is, in this particular instance.
Wow, sorry about that, I kinda went off there for a minute, although there was a reason for saying all that. Here are the 11 most evil choices in video games. [ugo]


Tagged as: american, apocalypse, arkham, Art?, atari, Batman, bubble wrap, burger, calendar, cathedral, commentary, darth vader, DBZ, disaster, dragon ball z, easter eggs, europe, evil choices in video games, Fable 3, fast food, , games, goku, hamburger, harley quinn, Harrison Ford, home movies, Indiana Jones, joy, lisa is evil, lisa won't lift a finger to help if she finds it funny, mass-murder, morality, muahaha, paintings, photoshop, princess bride, rage, rant, saiyan, , usa, video game rant, weaponry, zombies 8 Comments