Save Point

Nintendohemian Rhapsody

I have no reservations about saying that, as of now, this video currently wins the internet. As well as many internets of the future. Nintendohemian Rhapsody is one of those parodies that only comes along as often as a really good Spider-man video game. user, Brentalfloss, is no n00b to the creation of video game themed videos. In fact, he's been putting out fantastic videos like this one for about a year now. Swing on over to his channel and give him a follow.

Tagged as: awesome, bald, bohemian rhapsody, brentalfloss, music, , Nintendo, nintendohemian, rhapsody, sega, song, Video, 2 Comments

Nick’s Friday Round-Up

Hey there! For the 3 of you that read my round-up's, I'm sorry I wasn't able to post one last week, but I'm back with links galore! So let's hit the "Cray" button!

For those of you living under a rock, there was this one thing that happened with a dude skydiving from 24 miles up. For those who missed it, here's a recreation of the event with LEGO'S. [geekologie]

MOAR LEGOS, Ninja Turtle style! (not to be confused with gangnam style) [geekologie]

There was also a couple hardcore LEGO builders who built the Batcave. [howtogeek]

A flippin' amazeballs Batmobile concept car! [geekologie]

Time for food! More specifically, cookies. More specifically, things you can stuff inside cookies! []

One of my favorite things from this time of year is pumpkin. Pumpkin ANYTHING! Here are 19 of the best ways to eat pumpkin for breakfast. []

Tired of always burning the crap out of your mouth because you're too impatient to wait for your pizza to cool off before you take a bite? Well now, feel free to bite into your scalding hot pizza without fear. You can pop a "breath strip" that heals the burns from eating hot foods. [geekologie]

A real working Portal gun? Sadly, no. But a modded one that can levitate a companion cube exists! [howtogeek]

Let's all kick back, grab some popcorn, and watch 15 minutes of a documentary about the making of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. [gammasquad]

Here's something else you all need to watch. A marching band tribute to video games. IT HAS TETRIS! This is a "must watch". [geekologie]

World of Warcraft recreated in Minecraft in 1:1 scale [geekosystem]

A very well made Super Mario Bros. mod for Skyrim [geekologie]

Another hoodie to add to your geek collection. A Mario Bros. Tanooki hoodie. [geekosystem]

THE MOST AMAZING CAR CHASE YOU'VE EVER SEEN! Because it's shot using RC vehicles, and made to look like a scene from a movie. [geekosystem]

If you haven't played Dishonored yet, then you're seriously missing out. Maybe these 5 reasons you NEED to play Dishonored will get you throwing your money at this game. [gammasquad]

Now here's 5 things you'll learn about yourself while playing Dishonored. [cracked]


Nick’s Friday Round-Up

Tornadoes are destructive and scary things just by themselves, but when you throw fire in the mix, God help us. [geekologie]

The coolest little miniature figurines ever. You can take an 8-bit video game character and print it as a 3D model. [howtogeek]

As a kid, one of my favorite shows was Mr. Wizard. Looking back now, it's still cool, but I had no idea Mr. Wizard was such a jerk. [gammasquad]

As you all should know, the new Resident Evil movie came out recently. Some of you may hate the series, some may love it, but if you sit down and look at the facts, the movies are actually much better than the games. [cracked]

Borderlands 2! Need I say more? I probably should. I haven't got to play it yet... but I will, mind you, I will. In the meantime let's have a look at this Claptrap cake. [geekologie]

Check out the new Robocop armor. If I were a cyborg, I think I'd be satisfied with it. [geekosystem]

With the colder weather close upon us, it's time to start pulling out the coats and jackets. This is DEFINITELY on my list of cold-weather apparel. An Assassin's Creed III jacket. You know what, I don't even need cold weather. I'd wear that thing all the time. [kotaku]

Ever wanted your own life-size Dalek replica? ME TOO!! We can all get one and then go to Comic-Con and have a Dalek takeover! Now I'm super excited. Somebody start a kickstarter to raise money for all of us to get one. [geekologie]

Guess Who. Doctor Who, that's who! Doctor Who in Guess Who. Yep, a fan-made Doctor Who themed Guess Who game. [geekologie]

So you're playing a video game, and you've already had 2 cups of coffee. All the sudden that side effect of caffeine kicks in, and you need to run to the potty, but you forget to pause the game. Here's a video of what videogame characters do when they're idle and not paused. [howtogeek]

That crazy NASA, trying to create an IRL warp drive, just like in Star Trek. [blastr]

Ninja Gaiden with zombies. And just when you thought Ninja Gaiden couldn't get any better, the creator of Mega-Man is making a cell-shaded Ninja Gaiden zombie game. [gammasquad]

As a child, we saw some seriously terrifying things. Here's some of the most terrifying out of them all. []

The very first movie I saw in the theater was E.T. Yes, that definitely dates me, but whatever... deal with it. Here are 10 things you probably didn't know about E.T. []

For those of you with fancy schmancy camera phones, here's a cheap trick (no, not your mom... but who knows <_<) to be able to take macro shots. [howtogeek]

Tagged as: 3d model, 8-Bit, armor, Assassin's Creed, blue turtle, borderlands 2, cake, camera phone, cancel glee, cell shaded, childhood, claptrap cake, coffee, cold weather, dalek, dalek takeover, darth vader, doctor who, e.t., et, fire, fire tornado, godfather, guess who, irl, jacket, jerk, life size, macro, Mario, Mega Man, modification, mr wizard, nasa, nastalgia, , ninja gaiden, paused game, renew firefly, Resident Evil, robocop, star trek, taken, terrifying things, tornadoes, trick, , warp drive, wings, yourfather, zombie 2 Comments

Lisa’s First Episode of REMAG is Posted For Your Enjoyment

Over on , our own Lisa FINALLY got something she's deserved for many many eons: her own video game hosting gig! Lisa, if you haven't heard already, is the new host of REMAG and the first Lisa hosted episode was posted today, linked above. Lisa's taking the reigns from former host Layne Pavoggi, who had a pretty loyal following in their community and we all know how well the Internet handles change. So, Save Pointians, would you kindly support Lisa? Go, watch, enjoy, and most importantly, Subscribe Like and Favorite. That is the mantra of any YouTube channel. Spread it around. Post it everywhere you can.

And Nick, "Support" is not code for "punch in face". That goes for you too Dan.

Author: Stuart
Tagged as: , REMAG, The Game Station, Video Game news, 8 Comments

#GamerTV: Another Brock Wilbur Portmanterror

Yesterday, to distract from that awful "real life", I started a hashtag exploring gamified TV shows: #GamerTV

Instead of being a couple of jokes, it wound up spanning seven hours (in the background of my real work) and I was notified multiple times about hitting my daily limit? Which I guess is a thing that happens on twitter? Anyway, here's the complete list, for your enjoyment. And at the end, I've included some highlights from friends that joined in. Please add your own in the comments below.

For future time-line jamming nonsense, please follow .

My So Called Extra Life


Happy Days Of The Tentacle

Heavy Rainbow Brite

Crackdownton Abbey

The Colblip Report


According To Earthworm Jim

Once Upon An Ocarina Of Time

Scrubs The Zombie

How I Metroid Your Mother

That's So Riven

Dawson's Creed

The Secret of Monk Island

Eternal Darkwing: Launchpad's Requiem

Men Of A Certain Rampage

Left 24 Dead

The Braidy Bunch

Starfox & Hutch

Caroline in the Vice City

Continue reading...

Tagged as: #GamerTV, Bad Puns, Brock Wilbur, Hashtag, Continue reading

Demo’d : Gotham City Impostors Beta

Everything I know about the universe states that this game should not exist. The very concept of it is illogical. A multiplayer FPS set in the Batman universe (A character who to my knowledge never uses guns) without actually containing any Batman-related characters, merely people dressing up as them. On paper, that concept is absolutely insane, and I wouldn't believe any publisher would have green-lit that. Which is why I am so very thankful Warner Bros. Interactive did, because from what I've played, Gotham City Impostors is shaping up to be a tremendous, albeit crazy, multiplayer game. Continue reading...

Author: Alex
Tagged as: Adam West, Batman, demo'd, Gotham City Impostors, , Why doesn't Batman dance anymore? Continue reading

Demo’d: Warhammer 40k Space Marine

Right, leave your X chromosomes at the door for this one, folks, things are going to get manly. I mean like, a flaming motorcycle covered in A1 Steak Sauce kind of manly. You may involuntarily grow a Tom Selleck mustache while playing Warhammer 40k Space Marine, so to stop you taking that risk, I've played through the demo and here are my thoughts.

Continue reading...

Author: Alex
Tagged as: Bears, Chainswords, Explosions, Manly Men, Sharks, SPAAAAAAAAACE!, Space Marines, Tom Selleck, Continue reading

Where Are My GotDAMN Lemmings?!

I'm not usually one to ask for the rebirths of franchises, especially with so much of that hoo-haa going on at the moment. You've got X-Com, Twisted Metal, and even Lara Croft (AGAIN) getting reboots. But I have a bone to pick with whoever is responsible, and I want some answers: Where the hell has Lemmings gone? The franchise seems to have fallen off a cliff.

Continue reading...

Author: Alex
Tagged as: Alex has had a bad day, Anger, Green Hair, Lemmings, Suicidal animals, Super Sweet 16, Continue reading

A Busy Gamers Guide – “Shorter” Games

I'm a busy man.  I don't have time to sit down and enjoy games like Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead Redemption, or Mass Effect. They take too long; but I'm getting ahead of myself. An intro:

Hi. I'm Michael. I have a full time job. I perform improv almost every weekend. I read a lot of comic books, and love the Internet. I also travel a lot; mainly for work, sometimes for improv. Point is I don't have time for long games. Do I play them? Sure. But do I finish them? Sadly sometimes no. I'm STILL playing Assassin's Creed II and that game isn't even that long!

So dear reader, in my inaugural post here on Load Save Point, I bring you:

A Busy Gamers Guide - Top 6 "Shorter" Games

I wanted to do a "Top 5" but anyone can do a Top 5. Plus no one cares about Top 5s. The following games are games that I completed in a short amount of time. I'm not going to lie and be like "ZOMG THIS GAME IS SUPER SHORT AND AWESOME" for a game I haven't played. Cause that's not fair to you.

6. Saw II - Flesh & Blood

He's about to have a So the movies are violent, and there's way too many of them, but the game is surprisingly OK. It suffers from control issues, but you  actually get a pretty good story as well as some awesome puzzle elements in these games. The games do a great job of ramping up the fear and intensity as you try to escape Jigsaw's traps. Music gets louder, heartbeat sounds increase, makes you just as nervous as the character you're playing.

5. Alan Wake

Looking for Lisa's ApprovalOne of the longer games on this list. Yes I know it was forever in development, and yes I know the ending sucked but you know what? It is still a decent play. No matter what Lisa says. Plus if you have more time, there's a bunch of DLC to keep the story going.

4. Spider-man - Shattered Dimensions

4 Times the awesome!You know what I love? Spider-man. You know what I didn't love? Open world Spider-man games. Yes they were fun, yes they were cool, but I can only chase so many balloons and rescue so many people getting sick or hurt. So when I started up Shattered Dimensions and I realized it was a LINEAR SPIDER-MAN GAME I was hooked. It also helps that it's like playing a bunch of different games in one. Seriously worth checking out.

3. Costume Quest

AWESOMEDouble Fine Studios, Halloween, Turned Based RPG where your imagination takes over and your cheap little cardboard costume into pure badassery. Need I say more? I'm serious about the costume part.

You go from this:

Isn't that cute?


To this:


2. Dead Rising 2: Case Zero

Zombies!This game had it all. A great price, an amazing story, and the best part? You can take all your progress into the full game! Finding out all the awesome combo cards and different ways to dispatch zombies before you pop into Fortune City was such a great lead for the full game experience.

1. Mortal Kombat

This is my face after Lisa sees all the bad stuff I said about her.Before you get all "HEY! That's a fighting game! That's cheating!" It sort of is. But have you checked out the story mode? That thing is amazing. Playing as different characters, combining pretty much MK 1-4 in one giant story was just an great idea. I really want other fighting games to take note because Mortal Kombat did a great job with it's story mode, and it didn't take me forever to finish it.

So there you have it busy gamers! If you're looking for something that will give you a good story and not take a ton of time those are my picks. Now if you'll excuse me, I should REALLY finish Assassin's Creed II. I hear that there's another game coming out soon and I don't want to miss out on anything. If you're a busy gamer and would like to see other posts for shorter games (video, card, board, anything) let me know in the comments below!

Author: Michael
Tagged as: busy gamer, 14 Comments