Nick’s Friday Round-Up

Hey there! For the 3 of you that read my round-up's, I'm sorry I wasn't able to post one last week, but I'm back with links galore! So let's hit the "Cray" button!
For those of you living under a rock, there was this one thing that happened with a dude skydiving from 24 miles up. For those who missed it, here's a recreation of the event with LEGO'S. [geekologie]
MOAR LEGOS, Ninja Turtle style! (not to be confused with gangnam style) [geekologie]
There was also a couple hardcore LEGO builders who built the Batcave. [howtogeek]
A flippin' amazeballs Batmobile concept car! [geekologie]
Time for food! More specifically, cookies. More specifically, things you can stuff inside cookies! []

One of my favorite things from this time of year is pumpkin. Pumpkin ANYTHING! Here are 19 of the best ways to eat pumpkin for breakfast. []
Tired of always burning the crap out of your mouth because you're too impatient to wait for your pizza to cool off before you take a bite? Well now, feel free to bite into your scalding hot pizza without fear. You can pop a "breath strip" that heals the burns from eating hot foods. [geekologie]
A real working Portal gun? Sadly, no. But a modded one that can levitate a companion cube exists! [howtogeek]
Let's all kick back, grab some popcorn, and watch 15 minutes of a documentary about the making of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. [gammasquad]
Here's something else you all need to watch. A marching band tribute to video games. IT HAS TETRIS! This is a "must watch". [geekologie]

World of Warcraft recreated in Minecraft in 1:1 scale [geekosystem]
A very well made Super Mario Bros. mod for Skyrim [geekologie]
Another hoodie to add to your geek collection. A Mario Bros. Tanooki hoodie. [geekosystem]
THE MOST AMAZING CAR CHASE YOU'VE EVER SEEN! Because it's shot using RC vehicles, and made to look like a scene from a movie. [geekosystem]
If you haven't played Dishonored yet, then you're seriously missing out. Maybe these 5 reasons you NEED to play Dishonored will get you throwing your money at this game. [gammasquad]
Now here's 5 things you'll learn about yourself while playing Dishonored. [cracked]
Author: Nick LabyrinthX
So usually my Music Mondays are a chiptune showcase, but I've been feeling kind of down and sad for a while. Just have, don't go into it. So what do I have to cheer me up for short stints? This song. This song is so darn happy. Used as the closing theme to TomSka's asdfmovie5, it can be bought if you want the happy to be with you always. I just imagine someone doing a goofy high step walk down the street to the beat of this music, as it plays in the background, Ministry of Silly Walks style. If that doesn't make a smile creep to you, I don't know what will.
Continue reading...
Author: Stuart
Music Monday: “A Tiny Spaceship’s Final Mission” by FantomenK
The Chiptune ninja FantomenK (literally, he's a ninja. A hoodie ninja at that) smoke bombed this new track onto the interwebs of a tiny spaceship's final mission. This one's got a little more traditional electrohouse flair in there in the beat, but the chips are still prevalent. I know I want to play this next time I play Galaga and see how much it enhances the experience. So listen and prepare your own tiny spaceship for your mission. That sounded better in my head.
Author: Stuart
Nick’s Friday Round-Up

I'll start this week with something pretty awesome. The Hylian Shield made completely out of LEGOs. [geekologie]
Borderlands 2 is sitting high on the hog with its success, and there's a reason for that. It's a remorseless addiction machine, and here's 5 reasons why. [cracked]
A couple weeks ago I showed you a Mega-Man hoodie and an Assassin's Creed hoodie. Now, to add to your collection, here's an Optimus Prime hoodie. Can you tell it's hoodie season? [geekologie]
I now present to you a life-changing invention. An invention that will make you feel so stupid that you didn't think of it yourself. The Dorito's grinder hack. []
The next few links will be strictly Star Wars related. You can thank me in the comments. First, I present to you, the battle of Hoth completely recreated in Minecraft using the actual audio from the movie. [blastr]

For those of you motorcycle enthusiasts, I'm looking at you, Lisa, here's one that's Boba Fett themed. [geekologie]
Here's something to feed your nightmares. The head sculpture of Yoda, re-imagined as if he were human...esqe. [gammasquad]
To finish out the Star Wars related links, those crazy people down at DARPA, have created a real-life AT-TE... well... as close to an IRL version as we can get. It may only have 4 legs, but it gets the job done, and MAN, is it super creepy! [blastr]
It's been 20 years since Cartoon Network has hit the airwaves. As a "thank you for watching" from the network, they managed to come up with a fan-service, drug-induced, super-trippy video. Seriously... what in the world? [geekosystem]
Most of the time, when you play video games, you don't think twice about defeating a level boss. Next time, sit back and think about who it is you're defeating, because they just might be the victim, and not the villain. [cracked]

I'M BATMAN! Ok, so I wasn't Batman in this particular instance. Batman was arrested... again... for, basically, being dressed as Batman, and refusing to leave a crime scene. [blastr]
Who doesn't enjoy a good easter egg in a video game? Every once in a while you'll get a celebrity appearance or two. Sometimes, they're cool, but other times it's just down right weird. [dorkly]
I shall finish out this weeks round-up with a super-insane Rube Goldberg machine, parkour style! [gammasquad]
Author: Nick LabyrinthX
Nick’s Friday Round-Up

Why is World of Warcraft the biggest MMO in the world? You'd think people would get bored of it and quit, but that doesn't seem to happen. Here are 6 reasons why it's impossible to quit WoW. [cracked]
Valve received a very special gift from the WETA workshop. Nothing too crazy or anything, just a fully functioning Portal turret, that's all. [geekosystem]
What do you do when you wake up in the morning (now the Saved by the Bell theme song is stuck in your head) and you want to know the weather for the day, but can't bring yourself to get in the internet before you've had your coffee and toast? You purchase a toaster that burns the days weather into the side of the toast for you, that's what. [geekologie]
For those of us who've always wanted to shoot that stupid dog, from Duck Hunt, in the face for laughing at us, well now you can, with this NES zapper that's been modded into a real burning laser. [geekosystem]
Now let's jump from an amazing weapon to the 15 worst weapons in videogame history. [dorkly]

We move on to the most annoying weapon ever created in any videogame ever, on any planet, in any dimension. The Hyperion Energizing Bane from Borderlands 2. It may be one of the most powerful guns ever, but can you handle the troll factor that it throws at you for using it? [geekosystem]
There have been many people who have said that Borderlands 2 is way too difficult. Well hey, guess what. URDOINITWRONG! [gammasquad]
Here are some amazing pics of Link visiting the Lon Lon Ranch as imagined in real life. Also, click through to visit The Zelda Project. [geekologie]
For all you Trekkies out there who also love your cookies, your 2 favorite things have been merged. Star Trek cookie cutters. [geekologie]
This is a huge blow for bacon lovers all over the world. There is literally a worldwide bacon shortage! I can just hear all your tears flooding your bedrooms right now. [geekologie]

You know what I haven't posted in a while? an OMG ADORBZ OF THE DAY! Well, I shall fix this right now. A baby that stops crying every time it hears the Star Wars theme song. [blastr]
For those of you who are still confused about the Star Wars and what's really going on, here's a minimalistic, informative infograph for you. [murera]
For all you fancy schmancy pants Star Wars fans, here are some luxury-style, limited edition Star Wars watches you can purchase with all your fancy schmancy pants money. [geekologie]
As a tribute to science fiction stuffs, here are 32 fan-built sci-fi LEGO creations. [dvice]
In some, "Really... are you seriously, freakin' kidding me?" news, "cowabunga" is being replaced with "booyakasha". Guys, you can't make this stuff up. [blastr]
And finally, here's an SUV driving down the road that gets struck by a bolt of lightning. "What did you say?" "A bolt of lightning. Unfortunately, you never know when or where it's ever gonna strike." Seriously though, what are the chances that a guy is going to be recording himself driving down the road and happens to capture a bolt of lightning hitting a vehicle. The odds are ridiculous. []
Author: Nick LabyrinthX
Nick’s Friday Round-Up

Tornadoes are destructive and scary things just by themselves, but when you throw fire in the mix, God help us. [geekologie]
The coolest little miniature figurines ever. You can take an 8-bit video game character and print it as a 3D model. [howtogeek]
As a kid, one of my favorite shows was Mr. Wizard. Looking back now, it's still cool, but I had no idea Mr. Wizard was such a jerk. [gammasquad]
As you all should know, the new Resident Evil movie came out recently. Some of you may hate the series, some may love it, but if you sit down and look at the facts, the movies are actually much better than the games. [cracked]
Borderlands 2! Need I say more? I probably should. I haven't got to play it yet... but I will, mind you, I will. In the meantime let's have a look at this Claptrap cake. [geekologie]

Check out the new Robocop armor. If I were a cyborg, I think I'd be satisfied with it. [geekosystem]
With the colder weather close upon us, it's time to start pulling out the coats and jackets. This is DEFINITELY on my list of cold-weather apparel. An Assassin's Creed III jacket. You know what, I don't even need cold weather. I'd wear that thing all the time. [kotaku]
Ever wanted your own life-size Dalek replica? ME TOO!! We can all get one and then go to Comic-Con and have a Dalek takeover! Now I'm super excited. Somebody start a kickstarter to raise money for all of us to get one. [geekologie]
Guess Who. Doctor Who, that's who! Doctor Who in Guess Who. Yep, a fan-made Doctor Who themed Guess Who game. [geekologie]
So you're playing a video game, and you've already had 2 cups of coffee. All the sudden that side effect of caffeine kicks in, and you need to run to the potty, but you forget to pause the game. Here's a video of what videogame characters do when they're idle and not paused. [howtogeek]

That crazy NASA, trying to create an IRL warp drive, just like in Star Trek. [blastr]
Ninja Gaiden with zombies. And just when you thought Ninja Gaiden couldn't get any better, the creator of Mega-Man is making a cell-shaded Ninja Gaiden zombie game. [gammasquad]
As a child, we saw some seriously terrifying things. Here's some of the most terrifying out of them all. []
The very first movie I saw in the theater was E.T. Yes, that definitely dates me, but whatever... deal with it. Here are 10 things you probably didn't know about E.T. []
For those of you with fancy schmancy camera phones, here's a cheap trick (no, not your mom... but who knows <_<) to be able to take macro shots. [howtogeek]
Author: Nick LabyrinthX
Stu’s Web Wednesday: Going Nowhere

This one will be quick because I've been everywhere ever. Or just so amazingly busy that my life is falling apart around me. One of those is true. This week's Web Wednesday comes from suggestion by Not F'n Cute's FN Pryde. Usually I'm not persuaded by stuff, but if you knew the way I know , you'd know she's very persuasive. So I jumped in not knowing what I'd find. I knew they were backed my Machinima, so there had to be something there. Then I pulled up the most recenent clip and was agape:
Having just downloaded the HD version of Jet Set Radio on my PS3 last week (PS+ early access...awwww yeah), it was just relevant enough to get a shock while still being nostalgic enough to hit that itch too. It was also too perfect. For an online show, the special effects and editing is done magnificently well. So I pushed on to the actual show, then saw something reletively familiar, specifically from my earlier childhood:
Yes, my mind was blown. I'm guessing a lot of your minds are too. So all y'all, , write a comment, and tell um that Save Point sent you.
Author: Stuart
Nick’s Friday Round-Up

Let's start off this week with a few horrifying moments from children's video games. Hahaha, you're gonna have nightmares again. Sucks to be you. [cracked]
When you're done crying from being scared, I've got some good news. Turns out studies have shown that playing violent video games can increase pain tolerance. Now you have an excuse when your parents/wife/girlfriend walk in the room and see you blowing the guts out of some zombie or random person on the street. [geekosystem]
Continuing with the good news in video games, playing first person shooters actually rewires how your eyes and brain work together, and improve your vision. I suck at FPS's, no matter how much I play, so I guess I'm stuck wearing contacts. =/ [howtogeek]
There was a big announcement this past week, if you didn't hear. No, not the stupid iPhone 5, gimme a break. I'm talking about the Wii U. Here's everything you wanted to know about the release and prices and bundles and ALL THE THINGS! [gammasquad]
Want to look cool*, and pretend to be one of your favorite video game characters? You should buy this Mega-Man hoodie, complete with integrated arm cannon. (*You might not look as cool as you think you do.) [geekologie]

One of the most beloved (read: loud and obnoxious) games from our childhood was Hungry Hungry Hippos. For the geeky gamer in us, someone has redesigned said game into Hungry Hungry Koopas. [geekologie]
If you remember, over a month ago, we landed a rover on Mars. There was video released of the landing. Well someone decided that video wasn't good enough, so over the course of a month, he converted it into an Ultra HD 30FPS video, WITH SOUND, and turned it into the most amazing video you've ever seen, on another planet. [blastr]
Speaking of other planets, that brings me to, you guessed it, Doctor Who stuffs. Here's a TARDIS trash can you never knew you wanted. [geekologie]
Have a look at this amazing, hand-crafted, Doctor Who chess set. Mad props, dude. Mad props. [geekosystem]
If you have quite a bit of free time, and money oozing out of your pockets, you could make a room-sized marble maze, made completely out of K'Nex. I mean, why not? [geekosystem]

If you're like me, and I'm sure most of you are, because, well, I'm just that awesome, and why wouldn't you want to be just like me? Sorry, I got side-tracked. I get annoyed when the little foot on the keyboard breaks off. Here's a quick DIY on how you can fix it with binder clips. [howtogeek]
I'll leave you all with a fun little flash game. Dynamite Train. Basically, you try to destroy a bridge with dynamite so the train falls into the canyon below. DESTRUCTION RULES! [howtogeek]
Author: Nick LabyrinthX
Nick’s Friday Round-Up

Convert your horse into a dragon with this simple device. [geekologie]
Convert your doggy into a duck with this simple device. [geekologie]
Looks like the beginning of Skynet is upon us. Don't even think about running. This robot runs faster than you, and it's freakin' creepy looking to boot. [geekosystem]
What's more awesome than playing Assassin's Creed? Watching Assassin's Creed IRL, that's what. Prepare to be amazed. [geekologie]
New School video games vs Old School video games, who would win? Check out this live-action video to find out. [gammasquad]

Can you imagine if the Justice League world and the Transformers world were thrown together? We almost got to find out, but sadly, legal crap got in the way. [blastr]
I don't usually mention Star Trek things on here, but when I do, it's awesome. How about this 6-player Starship Bridge Simulator game. I'm not a huge Star Trek fan, but I'll admit, I'd play the heck out of this. [blastr]
Gamers are pretty outspoken about speaking their mind, but here's 15 things you'll never hear a gamer say. [dorkly]
With the WiiU coming up, it looks like the Wii has pretty-much ran its course. So let's take a look back at the top 10 best Wii games not published by Nintendo. [gammasquad]
Have a little time to kill? Why not watch 14 minutes of Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zero footage. [gammasquad]

You know what's always funny? Laughing at other people's expense. There's a step in an NYC subway station that's slightly taller than the rest of the steps. A guy decided to record people walking up these steps, and hilarity ensues. []
Turns out, there's one billionaire in the world who hasn't seen Jurassic Park, or if he has, he hasn't even considered the repercussions of his plans to make a real life Jurassic Park. Yes, you read that right. Cloned Dinosaurs and all, IRL. [blastr]
What would sci-fi TV shows, movies, and video games be without spaceships? Pretty crappy, that's what. Here are 7 of the greatest spaceships in video game history. [dorkly]
Author: Nick LabyrinthX
Nick’s Friday Round-Up

I believe a rock remix of Legend of Zelda is a good way to start off this weeks Round-Up. Seriously, I could listen to this all day. Side Note: I own that same shirt. (pics or it didn't happen... Zelda Shirt) [geekologie]
If that's not awesome enough for you, how about a General Grievous look-alike robot, playing drums. [gammasquad]
I'll follow that up with a Mario meets Modern Warfare trailer video. [geekosystem]
Ever wondered what Batman, Catwoman, and Bane would look like if they existed in 1930s Shanghai? []
After forever of wanting it, there's finally going to be a Metal Gear Solid movie. [blastr]

Not long ago we got the Dawnguard expansion for Skyrim. Well right on the heels of that, we have another expansion. Hearthfire will be releasing September 4th. [geekosystem]
I haven't played any of the GTA games in quite a long time. They were fun, but got repetitive and boring. However, with this new mod, it just might give me a renewed interest in playing. The Back to the Future mod for GTA4, with working time travel. [gammasquad]
Don't have a go-cart, but have a ton of Mindstorm LEGO's? You should just go ahead and use those LEGOs to make your own working go-cart. Might as well, right? I mean... what else are you gonna do with 'em? [geekologie]
We all have random CDs laying around that we don't know what to do with. If you're feeling a big creative, and have a bunch of empty floor space, you could lay them all out, and make mosaics of rock icons. [nme]
I wonder how different Pokemon would have been if Tim Burton had created them. [geekologie]

Guess who wins ALL THE CAKE AWARDS. The person who made this life-size Darth Vader cake, that's who. [geekologie]
Gather 'round, boys and girls, it's time for science. COOL SPACE SCIENCE! [howtogeek]
Finding Nemo is going to be re-released in 3D, so in celebration, here's 23 things you may not have known about Finding Nemo. []
Superhero teams can be awesome, but some can be downright lame. Here are the 9 worst superhero teams of all time. [dorkly]
This dude took a picture of himself everyday for 5 years. This is by far the best version of this concept I've seen. Keep an eye out for the wooden mannequin on the nightstand behind him, about three quarters of the way into the video. []
Gillian Anderson has given us a renewed hope for a third installment of an X-Files movie, which will definitely be better than the second movie. Personally, I'm loving this news, because recently I started re-watching the entire X-Files series on Netflix. [blastr]
Fringe season 5 promo's. Need I say more? [blastr]
Author: Nick LabyrinthX