Nick’s Friday Round-Up

Let's go ahead and get it out of the way. Unless you've been living in a galaxy far far away, or under the sea, then you've heard about Disney buying LucasFilms. Now let's see how Darth Vader feels about this. [geekosystem]
Now let's see how Mark Hamill feels about this. [blastr]
Finally, what's George Lucas plan on doing with the 4 BILLION dollars he got from the sale? [geekosystem]
You know how some nights you'll be looking outside and see the moon, and you're like, "HOLY CRAP, THAT MOON IS HUUUUUUGE TONIGHT!!" Well guess what. It's no bigger than it looks at any other time of night. It's all an illusion. [geekosystem]
If your geek level isn't as high as you'd like it to be, you can always make Portal Companion Ice Cubes. You'll be the hit at your next geek gathering. It'll definitely add a +5 to your latest cosplay party. [geekologie]

What if Minecraft was the Matrix. MAYBE IT IS! [howtogeek]
Most games are pretty balanced when it comes to weaponry, however, there are those few games that give you a ridiculously overpowered weapon. This is super fun unless you're that one guy who uses it in some sort of multiplayer online match. Then you're just "that guy" who everybody hates. Here are 15 of the most overpowered weapons in videogame history. [dorkly]
Something we all have to bear through on any flight is the safety video, or if you're not even that lucky, the flight staff speaking over the intercom. I think every airline should take a tip from New Zealand and show a Hobbit themed video. Seriously, what's the downside? [geekologie]
What does every boy and girl want for Christmas? A fully functioning Fallout Pipboy! Because we all need V.A.T.S in our lives! [geekologie]
Speaking of fully functioning, here's a fully interactive Tetris Jack-O'-Lantern. [howtogeek]

A TACO CANNON! [gammasquad]
Back in the 90s there was this little game called Wolfenstein. You may or may not remember it.... Well guess what movie is currently in the works. [blastr]
Author: Nick LabyrinthX
Nick’s Friday Round-Up

Hey there! For the 3 of you that read my round-up's, I'm sorry I wasn't able to post one last week, but I'm back with links galore! So let's hit the "Cray" button!
For those of you living under a rock, there was this one thing that happened with a dude skydiving from 24 miles up. For those who missed it, here's a recreation of the event with LEGO'S. [geekologie]
MOAR LEGOS, Ninja Turtle style! (not to be confused with gangnam style) [geekologie]
There was also a couple hardcore LEGO builders who built the Batcave. [howtogeek]
A flippin' amazeballs Batmobile concept car! [geekologie]
Time for food! More specifically, cookies. More specifically, things you can stuff inside cookies! []

One of my favorite things from this time of year is pumpkin. Pumpkin ANYTHING! Here are 19 of the best ways to eat pumpkin for breakfast. []
Tired of always burning the crap out of your mouth because you're too impatient to wait for your pizza to cool off before you take a bite? Well now, feel free to bite into your scalding hot pizza without fear. You can pop a "breath strip" that heals the burns from eating hot foods. [geekologie]
A real working Portal gun? Sadly, no. But a modded one that can levitate a companion cube exists! [howtogeek]
Let's all kick back, grab some popcorn, and watch 15 minutes of a documentary about the making of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. [gammasquad]
Here's something else you all need to watch. A marching band tribute to video games. IT HAS TETRIS! This is a "must watch". [geekologie]

World of Warcraft recreated in Minecraft in 1:1 scale [geekosystem]
A very well made Super Mario Bros. mod for Skyrim [geekologie]
Another hoodie to add to your geek collection. A Mario Bros. Tanooki hoodie. [geekosystem]
THE MOST AMAZING CAR CHASE YOU'VE EVER SEEN! Because it's shot using RC vehicles, and made to look like a scene from a movie. [geekosystem]
If you haven't played Dishonored yet, then you're seriously missing out. Maybe these 5 reasons you NEED to play Dishonored will get you throwing your money at this game. [gammasquad]
Now here's 5 things you'll learn about yourself while playing Dishonored. [cracked]
Author: Nick LabyrinthX
Nick’s Friday Round-Up

Why is World of Warcraft the biggest MMO in the world? You'd think people would get bored of it and quit, but that doesn't seem to happen. Here are 6 reasons why it's impossible to quit WoW. [cracked]
Valve received a very special gift from the WETA workshop. Nothing too crazy or anything, just a fully functioning Portal turret, that's all. [geekosystem]
What do you do when you wake up in the morning (now the Saved by the Bell theme song is stuck in your head) and you want to know the weather for the day, but can't bring yourself to get in the internet before you've had your coffee and toast? You purchase a toaster that burns the days weather into the side of the toast for you, that's what. [geekologie]
For those of us who've always wanted to shoot that stupid dog, from Duck Hunt, in the face for laughing at us, well now you can, with this NES zapper that's been modded into a real burning laser. [geekosystem]
Now let's jump from an amazing weapon to the 15 worst weapons in videogame history. [dorkly]

We move on to the most annoying weapon ever created in any videogame ever, on any planet, in any dimension. The Hyperion Energizing Bane from Borderlands 2. It may be one of the most powerful guns ever, but can you handle the troll factor that it throws at you for using it? [geekosystem]
There have been many people who have said that Borderlands 2 is way too difficult. Well hey, guess what. URDOINITWRONG! [gammasquad]
Here are some amazing pics of Link visiting the Lon Lon Ranch as imagined in real life. Also, click through to visit The Zelda Project. [geekologie]
For all you Trekkies out there who also love your cookies, your 2 favorite things have been merged. Star Trek cookie cutters. [geekologie]
This is a huge blow for bacon lovers all over the world. There is literally a worldwide bacon shortage! I can just hear all your tears flooding your bedrooms right now. [geekologie]

You know what I haven't posted in a while? an OMG ADORBZ OF THE DAY! Well, I shall fix this right now. A baby that stops crying every time it hears the Star Wars theme song. [blastr]
For those of you who are still confused about the Star Wars and what's really going on, here's a minimalistic, informative infograph for you. [murera]
For all you fancy schmancy pants Star Wars fans, here are some luxury-style, limited edition Star Wars watches you can purchase with all your fancy schmancy pants money. [geekologie]
As a tribute to science fiction stuffs, here are 32 fan-built sci-fi LEGO creations. [dvice]
In some, "Really... are you seriously, freakin' kidding me?" news, "cowabunga" is being replaced with "booyakasha". Guys, you can't make this stuff up. [blastr]
And finally, here's an SUV driving down the road that gets struck by a bolt of lightning. "What did you say?" "A bolt of lightning. Unfortunately, you never know when or where it's ever gonna strike." Seriously though, what are the chances that a guy is going to be recording himself driving down the road and happens to capture a bolt of lightning hitting a vehicle. The odds are ridiculous. []
Author: Nick LabyrinthX
Nick’s Friday Round-Up: Not Geeky Enough? Try This! Edition

Do you love chess, but find it not geeky enough for you? Try the new Jedi LEGO chess set! [geekologie]
Are you a musician, but find your instrument less than geeky? Try this Guitar2-D2. [geekologie]
Do you enjoy eating Chinese food, but find the geekiness a bit lacking? Try these lightsaber chopsticks. [geekologie]
Do you enjoy showing off your sweet kicks, but find them to be -3 in geekiness? Try these amazing, geeky hand-painted sneakers. [gammasquad]
Do you really love roller coasters, and tend to cry every time you have to leave the theme park and go home, because you won't be able to ride it anymore? Why not build one in your backyard? [gammasquad]

Do you have a wheelchair, but find that it just blends in with all the others? Trade that thing in for a full-functioning one made completely out of LEGO's. [geekologie]
Everybody wants to own their own ski-ball machine. Don't even front. You know it's true, but now you can be the coolest kid on the block by making your own ski-ball machine out of K'nex. [geekosystem]
Do you have a home theater system, but find it dull and drab with sub-par geekiness? Spruce it up with a Batcave makeover! [gammasquad]
Are your motorcycle leathers not giving you that boost of geekiness you really want? Then swap them out with these Batman motorcycle leathers. [geekologie]
What would it actually cost to be Batman? [howtogeek]

Speaking of which, what would it actually cost to be Iron Man? [howtogeek]
Well guess who finally came to their senses and decided to make Star Wars the Old Republic, free to play, starting this Fall. [geeekosystem]
PC gaming has come a long way since Zork. Let's take a look at how it's evolved over the years. [geekosystem]
Did you happen to miss SDCC this year? Yeah, me too. Which means you missed the 10th anniversary panel of Firefly. BUT FEAR NOT! You can watch the entire panel, right here. [geekosystem]
Do you ever get the urge to play games such as Maniac Mansion or Kings Quest, but find it quite difficult to find a good emulater? Well guess what.... Just load up ScummVM, and you're on your way to some awesome, nostalgic, point and click adventuring! [howtogeek]

If you haven't seen it spammed all over Twitter and Facebook, and you've been living under a rock, or perhaps you're just a hermit in the middle of nowhere, raised by a pack of monkeys, and somehow you've come across a computer and wi-fi connection, then you got extremely lucky. Here is the official trailer for the new season of Doctor Who. [geekosystem]
Author: Nick LabyrinthX
Nick’s Friday Round-Up: The 4th of May Edition

I believe that food is always a good way to start a post. So, for your drooling pleasure, I present to you one of the greatest food inventions to come along in the past decade. The lasagna burger. [geekosystem]
Let's take a look at 16 "gross" pizza's from international pizza huts. To be honest, some of these really don't look that bad. []
We've all talked about how awesome it would be to mount laser beams onto sharks. Well guess what... this dream has been made into reality. []

We all love our theme songs, and so does Youtuber 331Erock. In fact, he loves them so much, he decided to reimagine many of them with a metal overlay. That's right, folks, you can listen to metal versions of TMNT, Dr Who, Zelda, Star Wars, Megaman, and more. [geekologie]
Our dreams are slowly coming true. A Back to the Future LEGO kit is a definite possibility, with different LEGO's to redesign the DeLorean to match all 3 movies. [geekosystem]
For those of you who still haven't been able to purchase an XBOX 360 over the past 6 years, now's your chance. XBOX is offering a $99 XBOX 360 with Kinect, with a 2 year XBOX LIVE contract at $15 a month. [geekosystem]

Video games have inspired many things, including movies and TV shows. Some of them turn out well, others, well, don't. Here are 8 of the worst TV shows inspired by video games. [dorkly]
All of us have our favorite super hero, but when it comes down to it, we ALL must respect the Batman. Or should we...? Here are 6 ways that Iron Man is objectively better than Batman. [cracked]
Geeks love their cosplay, especially when someone puts some serious work into their costume. Even better when the costume is a working version of the character. Case-in-point, this motorized Iron Man cosplay armor. [blastr]

When you take a glance at children's movies, it's all, "awww, that was a cute movie.", but let's take a deeper look at some of these movies to discover 6 disturbing, unanswered questions they present. [cracked]
One of my favorite shows on TV is Mythbusters. It's so awesome to see real science put up against myths, stereotypes, and even Youtube videos. I'm also not ashamed to say that the explosions and Kari Byron also play a part in my interest of this show. Here are 5 reasons that Mythbusters is one of the best nerd shows on TV. [gammasquad]
Speaking of explosions, let's watch a video of people explosively launching 55 gallon metal drums into the air. This seems perfectly safe. [geekologie]
Finally, in honor of May the 4th, Obiwan Kenobi has been arrested. I kid you not. [gammasquad]

Author: Nick LabyrinthX
Nick’s Friday Round-Up: Rage, Science, Retro and More Edition

When we last left off, our heroes had been turned into aliens. We now find ourselves with a new name. No longer the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Not even the Teenage Alien Ninja Turtles. Nope. As of now, our heroes are only the Ninja Turtles, with Michael Bay saying, "WOAH THERE! This decision is not my fault, Yo. Take yourselves another chill pill." [blastr]
In other rage-inducing news, the writer/directors of Harold and Kumar will be rebooting the Back to the Future trilogy. Yes, you read that correctly. This is something that's going to happen. However, not in the immediate future. [blastr]
If you haven't heard, Silent Hill is being re-released in HD. You would think this would be a most excellent thing. Sadly, the developers felt that it was a good idea to sacrifice the dark, atmospheric, grainy feel, for the sake of HD. Completely causing them to miss the mark of what Silent Hill is all about. Take a look. [geekosystem]

For everyone who loves video game music. Here are the 9 best current-gen video game soundtracks. [gammasquad]
What would you say if I told you that you can go supersonic without the sonic boom? You'd think I was crazy, right? Well guess what. Some dudes have developed a supersonic biplane that, when it surpasses the speed of sound, it doesn't create a sonic boom. Maybe now a flight from LA to NYC won't take 6 hours. [geekosystem]
The future is upon us! We don't have holographic touch screens just yet, but we're close. Flexible E Ink is now in mass production. It's kinda like a Kindle if it was a flexible, thin piece of plastic that'll get lost once you set it down and walk away, or your dog finds it, mistaking it for your homework. [geekosystem]

Playstation 4: Codename Orbis [geekosystem]
Do you love pizza but find yourself too lazy to call the pizza place to order it? Why not move to Dubai? A pizza establishment there will give you a refrigerator magnet, that, at the push of a button, automatically orders your favorite pizza for you. No fuss, no muss. Ahhh, laziness at its finest. [geekologie]
Thinking of getting engaged? Married? Why not go super ape-geek with it. You can propose to her with a TARDIS themed engagement ring, then, on the big day, you can both exchange Darth Vader/Lightsaber themed wedding bands.
Just an 64-bit girl, livin' in an 8-bit world! (didn't I make this same reference last week?) Check out these movie posters converted to their 8-bit versions. [behance]

First Nickelodeon gives us "The 90s are All That". Now Cartoon Network has decided to follow in their footsteps by giving us CARTOON PLANET. []
Speaking of old 90s TV shows. Let's take a look at some 90s TV supporting actors, THEN and NOW. []
For those fans of Terra Nova, with that last ray of hope that Netflix would pick up a second season, it looks as if our hope has been shattered. [blastr]

I present to you, in all it's glory, the Doctor Who season 7 trailer! (insert angelic music. Just don't blink) [geekosystem]
Prepare yourselves for a battle of EPIC proportions. Man VS Goose. Hold on to your seats, this battle gets serious. Who will be the victor? []
Author: Nick LabyrinthX
Nick’s Friday Round-Up: Let Me Tell You a Story Edition

Welcome! Friday is here, once again. It seems like I JUST got done typing the last one up. Geez! So, OK, this week I've been playing the crap out of Minecraft. I discovered the YOGBOX, and Singleplayer has been turned from a rather boring way to play, to an amazing way to play. I definitely recommend playing the YOGBOX if you're any kind of a fan of Minecraft. [YOGBOX] Awesome, let's get started.

I think I will begin the Round-Up, this week, with a story. A story of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It begins with a very well known and beloved rag-tag gang of ninja turtles, who entered our lives in the 90s with an amazing cartoon show. Following the cartoon were 3 live-action films. Followed by other cartoon adaptations of the series, as well as a CGI movie. All of which have retained the very root of what makes the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
It is now present day. We hear the announcement that the live-action movies are being rebooted. Fangirls and Fanboys everywhere become cautiously excited. Enter Michael Bay as the director. He announces that these Ninja Turtles will not be mutants in his movie, but aliens. Fanboys and girls everywhere nearly riot in the streets. Flipping over cars, breaking out store windows, sending stern letters. A voice actor from the original live-action movies speaks out about his feelings towards this decision. The cry is loud, and deafening. People from all over the world are speaking out. These cries are heard by Michael Bay, and yet, his reply is, "Take a chill pill." To add to the salt in the wound by Michael Bay, one of the co-creators of the Ninja Turtles speaks out in Michael Bay's defense in this mutant to alien decision. So far we've been wounded, we've had salt thrown in it, and now, as we sit there licking the wound, a wild bunny appears. Awwww, how cute, but as it turns out, this is a werewolf bunny! Yes... yes... a werewolf bunny, that tears into our wound and leaves us with nothing but a nub for an arm, because this werewolf bunny turns out to be the OTHER co-creator of the Ninja Turtles, giving his support for Michael Bay's decision. As we lay twitching on the ground in pain and disgust, our body jerks real hard, our eyes open, and we realize this werewolf bunny wasn't real, but only a dream. We look down at our arm, and see it's still there, but the wound is still pretty bad. We look to the side and see a little bunny hopping about. "OH NO!" we exclaim to ourselves, as we remember our dream. Fortunately this bunny is just a cute bunny who seems to have been misunderstood.
And this, my friends, is where the story resides. Only the future will tell what's in store, and we can only take guesses as to the outcome. Time will tell if these beloved Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will become the Teenage Alien Ninja Turtles, or, as the Nostalgia Critic thinks... Michael Bay's Racist Alien Big Boobied Explosions.

How do I follow up an AMAZING story like that, you ask? With LASERS!
Some of you Apple fans might want to look away. A man destroys an new iPad 3 with nothing but lasers. It's a beautiful sight. [geekologie]
Not awesome enough for you? How about a laser that plays the Portal theme song as it etches the Aperature logo. [geekologie]
Ok, ok, enough about lasers. Next on the list, we have some TV news.
The new Doctor Who companion has been announced. [blastr]
If Fringe is actually canceled, we may see a season 5 in comic book form. [blastr]

Now for some video game news
After a huge outcry by the fans, Bioware is working on a new ending to Mass Effect 3 [geekosystem]
Our favorite video game company, Telltale Games, the creators of such favorites as Sam and Max, the Back to the Future game series, Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People, Jurassic Park, and.. oh yeah... Tales of Monkey Island, are working on a new game for The Walking Dead. [ign]
Get an inside look at the mechanics of Sim City 5's glassbox engine. [gammasquad]

Just a small-town girl. Livin' in an RPG world. Took a midnight dragon flying anywhere.... and then it ate her and pooped out her bones. Here are 7 reasons it sucks living in an RPG world. [dorkly]
A scaled down BTTF DeLorean made completely out of LEGOs [geekosystem]
Are you tired of buying your Lucky Charms cereal and filtering through the box to pick out, and eat, all the marshmallow goodness? Well now you don't have to. Just make the marshmallows yourself. [geekologie]

Author: Nick LabyrinthX
Nick’s Friday Round-Up: Video Games and Zombies and Movies, OH MY! Edition

I don't believe this picture needs any kind of comment or introduction. It pretty much speaks for itself.
HOWDY-HO Junior Woodchucks! An entire week has just flown by. It seems like just yesterday I was typing this thing up. This week I went to Philadelphia for a flower show. It's much more manlier than it sounds, trust me, but I have to say my dogs were barking from all that walking. Going for a walk/run the day before didn't help much, either. The entire lower-half of my body is so sore. BUT WHATEVER, NOBODY CARES ABOUT MY STUPID LIFE STORIES. "COOL STORY BRO" Maybe next week I'll make up some story about a ninja midget baby. Maybe that'll be more interesting for you. Gosh you guys are so freakin' hard to please. GO CHOKE ON YOUR COUNT CHOCULA CEREAL! Let's get started!
Sorry to just spring this on you without any kind of a segue, but it needs to be said. Sadly, Ralph McQuarrie has passed away at the age of 82. You don't know that name? Well you most assuredly know his work. He was the visionary for the concept art for the original Star Wars trilogy, as well as many other popular movies. [mentalfloss]
Are you a fan of Terra Nova? Then you probably know that it's officially been canceled, BUT, there's a small ray of hope. It looks as if the series might be picked up by Netflix. [blastr]

ZOMBIES! Yep, as much as you may want this topic to die, there will always be an oncoming zombie apocalypse, so you NEED to stock up on your weapon arsenal. Here's a couple weapon necessities you'll want in your stockpile. First, we have a zombie hunting assault rifle with working chainsaw bayonet. [geekologie]
For those of you who need a zombie apocalypse weapon, but aren't comfortable with things that have moving parts, this is the weapon for you. The Dead-On Annihilator. [geekologie]
Here are a couple people who don't need weapons, just their hands, feet, and super powers. Superman and the Hulk. What if the two universes collided, and they had to do battle. Well guess what. Some dude wanted to see this happen, so instead of just sitting around wishing, he did something about it. He decided to animate it himself. And, honestly, it's quite good. Enjoy Superman VS Hulk. [geekologie]

NOW... I have a bunch of video game related things for you, so let's get into it.
MARIO/PORTAL mashup game. It's real. It's free. It's here. [geekologie]
Remember I showed you some Sim City 5 concept art last week? Well, here's the official trailer. [geekosystem]
Japan found out about Minecraft, and liked it so much that they decided to give it a VERY Japanese style theme song. Prepare for Japanese overload. [geekosystem]
Ever wonder how tall certain structures, in video games and movies, actually are, in comparison to some of the tallest buildings on Earth? Here's a comparison of Barad-Dur from LOTR. [deviantart] And here's a comparison of the Citadel from Half-Life 2. [geekosystem]

We all love video games, and usually the longer the game, the more we consider having gotten our money's worth, but what if video games took the "easiest route" to achieve their main goal. A more "practical" solution. [cracked]
Everybody has their own "top 10" lists of video games. Well here's a Top 15 video games of all time list, according to dorkly. Overall I'm pleased, but never satisfied. [dorkly]
Speaking of lists, how about 12 movies we thought would tank, but actually didn't. Are you surprised? [blastr]
With the upcoming TMNT reboot, we all have things we hope they do, and things we hope they don't do. Here's a wishlist of things, that if they do, could make the movie amazing. [ugo]

Author: Nick LabyrinthX
Nick’s Friday Round-Up: UMAD BRO? Edition

This is just soooo wrong, making fun of Canada like that. We all know Canadians have Mounties, not a CSI.
This week has been awesome, cuz it finally snowed, and not crappy snow, but the good kind you can make snowmen with. I made a tiny snowman in front of the movie theater last night. When I perfect my skills, I'll be making snowman works of art such as this. Welp... there's not much to talk about, so let's just jump into this thing.
We all know Whitney Houston passed away recently, and in Save Point fashion, I've found the best tribute ever made. Vegeta's tribute. [youtube]
What would you say if I told you that Link and Samus action figures will soon be released, with two versions of Samus, both with and without armor? What if I said, the Armored Samus action figure would be fully poseable, like seriously poseable for all your action-packed posing needs. *pew* *pew* *pew* [geekologie]
Speaking of "*pew* *pew* *pew*", what do you get when you shoot a large acrylic slab with a particle accelerator? Freakin' amazing fractal art, that's what! I'll take two, thanks. [geekosystem]

Normally you wouldn't think it dangerous to light a firecracker and drop it down a sewer manhole. Well guess what... Looks like this dude thought the same thing. Boy was he wrong. Hey, two little kids next to him, you might want to run away before you get crushed. What has this video taught us? Don't throw firecrackers in the Ninja Turtles home. Their booby traps will MESS YOU UP! [youtube]
TMNT 1 and 2 were awesome movies. TMNT 3, well... meh. Maybe we can rectify TMNT 3 with a TMNT live-action reboot? What do you think? Turns out Jonathan Liebesman, the guy who directed Battle L.A., is in negotiations to direct a new one. I LOVE me some live-action Ninja Turtles. If this goes though, he better not screw it up, that's all I'm sayin'. [gammasquad]
Another franchise in the works of becoming a live action movie is Twisted Metal, to be written and directed by Brian Taylor. This was one of my favorite games to play on the PlayStation. Over time it has developed an in depth and dark storyline for each of the characters. This has the potential to become a seriously amazing movie if Brian does it right. [geekosystem]

We have 3 years until 2015. That's the year when hoverboards are suppose to be made and already widely circulated. Mattel will soon be releasing Hoverboard replicas. Sadly it's only a replica of Marty's hoverboard, and as it clearly states on the packaging, it does not work on water. Looks like I'll have to wait a few years to get a Pitbull, because it's got POWAH!! [geekologie]
Whether you love or hate the fact that Star Wars is coming out in 3D, the fact is, that it's happening, and there's nothing you can do about it. George Lucas will keep finding ways to re-release the Star Wars movies, and he'll keep finding little things to change about it. Even if you hate this, is it really all that bad? Here's 4 things you need to accept about George Lucas. [cracked]
Are you only familiar with 3 or 4 Darths in the Star Wars universe? Educate yourself, with a list of ALL THE DARTHS!! in all of the Star Wars. (darth maul will always be my favorite darth. come at me bro) [ugo]
What if Star Wars actually took place within Feudal Japan? What would the characters look like? Let's find out, shall we? [howtogeek]

I'll finish up this Round-Up by destroying small bits of your childhood. Or at least show you things about it that you never realized. []
GAME BONUS: Do you love Shadow of the Colossus? How about a simplified, yet still nearly as fun flash game with the same gameplay style? I present to you, Heir. [armorgames]

Author: Nick LabyrinthX
Nick’s Friday Round-Up: Angry A.D.D. Edition

Mmmm, I sure hope those pizza-shaped marshmallows taste as good as they look!
I don't know how I'm suppose to follow-up Lisa's post from yesterday with some crappy Friday Round-Up, but here we go.
In relation to the opening picture. CEREAL IS AWESOME! I LOVE CEREAL! One thing that makes me sad about cereal nowadays is the fact that they never put good prizes in them anymore. What the heck?!? I remember when you could buy a box of cereal, and get a full-sized Ninja Turtle as a prize inside! (that previous statement may be slightly exaggerated for emphasis) /mini-rant Cereal boxes have changed their marketing over the years to appeal to a different generation of kids. Here are 15 examples of how cereal boxes have changed over time. []
We've become very familiar with how some of the biggest websites look. Usually they're clean and stream-lined and can go 0-60 in under 5 seconds. Unless you're on dial-up, in which case, I pity you. Let us take a quick trip back in time to see how websites such as Google and Youtube looked like when they first launched, shall we? [mashable]
This right here will be the only thing I post, related to Single's Awareness Day. I will spare you all from a Nick Rant about how ridiculous I think this day is. So yeah... here are 35 geeky Valentine's Day cards. [gammasquad]
Apparently the Super Bowl Half Time Show was a secret ode to Skyrim
Looking back to last Sunday and the Super Bowl halftime show. SRSLY?? C'mon... SRSLY? When will the people in charge of finding these performers realize that they are making horrible choices. The only person not lip syncing was Cee Lo. Who actually thought that having Madonna do the HT show was a good idea? UGH! /mini rant. There are only a couple halftime shows that I consider to be awesome. SB XXXVII with No Doubt, and SB XXVII with Michael Jackson. SB XXXV with Aerosmith wasn't too bad either. I got to thinking who would be an amazing person to play the halftime show? Strangely enough I then found this article. BRILLIANT! Why Weird Al should play the Super Bowl. [gammasquad]
Back to the Future. One of the best trilogy's to ever grace the silver screen, but what about the stage? There's a possibility of BTTF becoming a stage musical. [blastr]
With the sponsorship of Red Bull, a man attempts to break the sound barrier without any vehicle, only his body, by jumping from a height of 22 miles. It makes all the sense in the world! Let's do a skydive, in a space suit, from just under the ozone layer so as to not burst into flames, and try to break the sound barrier with my body, because, hey, SCREW YOU TERMINAL VELOCITY! [geekologie]

What happens when two of the best video games from completely different time periods collide? A MASS EXPLOSION OF AWESOME! Skyrim, meet Portal 2. Portal 2, Skyrim. That's right folks, not only did Skyrim officially release their mod tools with a bonus Portal 2 mod, BUT hidden within these releases are hints to either a Portal 2 related quest, or a future Portal 2 related quest. Seriously, my brain can't handle this. [geekosystem]
This kid decided to say "Screw you!" to his DNA encoded fear of falling. Then he decides to do parkour from the edge of the roof of a 20 story building, and the arm of a massive crane. My legs were shaking just watching this guy. You know... that feeling you get in your legs when you get too close to the edge of a high place? Yeah, that feeling. [dailywhat]
Here are 25 animals who think they're people. []
There are very few shows that can literally make me laugh out loud during nearly every episode. Even fewer that make me laugh so hard I can't breathe. A few examples are Home Improvement, Psych, Friends, The Big Bang Theory, and the newest addition, New Girl. New Girl has made me laugh more in just the last 2 episodes, than I have at any show in a long time. As of 2 weeks ago, New Girl had one of the funniest scenes I've ever seen from any show ever in the history of television. If you disagree, your argument will be marked as invalid on the basis of "your sense of humor is broken, and may God have mercy on your soul." Here is the scene I speak of. I warn you now to put down any food or drink you may be consuming at the moment. [youtube]
My my, Batman, you're looking quite dapper this evening.
Author: Nick LabyrinthX
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Nick’s Friday Round-Up: Video Games and Zombies and Movies, OH MY! Edition
I don't believe this picture needs any kind of comment or introduction. It pretty much speaks for itself.
HOWDY-HO Junior Woodchucks! An entire week has just flown by. It seems like just yesterday I was typing this thing up. This week I went to Philadelphia for a flower show. It's much more manlier than it sounds, trust me, but I have to say my dogs were barking from all that walking. Going for a walk/run the day before didn't help much, either. The entire lower-half of my body is so sore. BUT WHATEVER, NOBODY CARES ABOUT MY STUPID LIFE STORIES. "COOL STORY BRO" Maybe next week I'll make up some story about a ninja midget baby. Maybe that'll be more interesting for you. Gosh you guys are so freakin' hard to please. GO CHOKE ON YOUR COUNT CHOCULA CEREAL! Let's get started!
Sorry to just spring this on you without any kind of a segue, but it needs to be said. Sadly, Ralph McQuarrie has passed away at the age of 82. You don't know that name? Well you most assuredly know his work. He was the visionary for the concept art for the original Star Wars trilogy, as well as many other popular movies. [mentalfloss]
Are you a fan of Terra Nova? Then you probably know that it's officially been canceled, BUT, there's a small ray of hope. It looks as if the series might be picked up by Netflix. [blastr]
ZOMBIES! Yep, as much as you may want this topic to die, there will always be an oncoming zombie apocalypse, so you NEED to stock up on your weapon arsenal. Here's a couple weapon necessities you'll want in your stockpile. First, we have a zombie hunting assault rifle with working chainsaw bayonet. [geekologie]
For those of you who need a zombie apocalypse weapon, but aren't comfortable with things that have moving parts, this is the weapon for you. The Dead-On Annihilator. [geekologie]
Here are a couple people who don't need weapons, just their hands, feet, and super powers. Superman and the Hulk. What if the two universes collided, and they had to do battle. Well guess what. Some dude wanted to see this happen, so instead of just sitting around wishing, he did something about it. He decided to animate it himself. And, honestly, it's quite good. Enjoy Superman VS Hulk. [geekologie]
NOW... I have a bunch of video game related things for you, so let's get into it.
MARIO/PORTAL mashup game. It's real. It's free. It's here. [geekologie]
Remember I showed you some Sim City 5 concept art last week? Well, here's the official trailer. [geekosystem]
Japan found out about Minecraft, and liked it so much that they decided to give it a VERY Japanese style theme song. Prepare for Japanese overload. [geekosystem]
Ever wonder how tall certain structures, in video games and movies, actually are, in comparison to some of the tallest buildings on Earth? Here's a comparison of Barad-Dur from LOTR. [deviantart] And here's a comparison of the Citadel from Half-Life 2. [geekosystem]
We all love video games, and usually the longer the game, the more we consider having gotten our money's worth, but what if video games took the "easiest route" to achieve their main goal. A more "practical" solution. [cracked]
Everybody has their own "top 10" lists of video games. Well here's a Top 15 video games of all time list, according to dorkly. Overall I'm pleased, but never satisfied. [dorkly]
Speaking of lists, how about 12 movies we thought would tank, but actually didn't. Are you surprised? [blastr]
With the upcoming TMNT reboot, we all have things we hope they do, and things we hope they don't do. Here's a wishlist of things, that if they do, could make the movie amazing. [ugo]
Author: Nick LabyrinthX