Nick’s Friday Round-Up

Hey there! For the 3 of you that read my round-up's, I'm sorry I wasn't able to post one last week, but I'm back with links galore! So let's hit the "Cray" button!
For those of you living under a rock, there was this one thing that happened with a dude skydiving from 24 miles up. For those who missed it, here's a recreation of the event with LEGO'S. [geekologie]
MOAR LEGOS, Ninja Turtle style! (not to be confused with gangnam style) [geekologie]
There was also a couple hardcore LEGO builders who built the Batcave. [howtogeek]
A flippin' amazeballs Batmobile concept car! [geekologie]
Time for food! More specifically, cookies. More specifically, things you can stuff inside cookies! []

One of my favorite things from this time of year is pumpkin. Pumpkin ANYTHING! Here are 19 of the best ways to eat pumpkin for breakfast. []
Tired of always burning the crap out of your mouth because you're too impatient to wait for your pizza to cool off before you take a bite? Well now, feel free to bite into your scalding hot pizza without fear. You can pop a "breath strip" that heals the burns from eating hot foods. [geekologie]
A real working Portal gun? Sadly, no. But a modded one that can levitate a companion cube exists! [howtogeek]
Let's all kick back, grab some popcorn, and watch 15 minutes of a documentary about the making of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. [gammasquad]
Here's something else you all need to watch. A marching band tribute to video games. IT HAS TETRIS! This is a "must watch". [geekologie]

World of Warcraft recreated in Minecraft in 1:1 scale [geekosystem]
A very well made Super Mario Bros. mod for Skyrim [geekologie]
Another hoodie to add to your geek collection. A Mario Bros. Tanooki hoodie. [geekosystem]
THE MOST AMAZING CAR CHASE YOU'VE EVER SEEN! Because it's shot using RC vehicles, and made to look like a scene from a movie. [geekosystem]
If you haven't played Dishonored yet, then you're seriously missing out. Maybe these 5 reasons you NEED to play Dishonored will get you throwing your money at this game. [gammasquad]
Now here's 5 things you'll learn about yourself while playing Dishonored. [cracked]
Author: Nick LabyrinthX
Dishonored: All I Needed To Hear

Finally got around to reading the latest issue of GameInformer. In their coverage of the upcoming game "Dishonored" (from one of the designers responsible for Half Life's City 17, cllllllllearly), this quote was included in a side-bar, and was all that I needed to hear to know that I will love this game:
“One of our philosophical points that Raf and I strongly believe is that modern game developers go way too far out of their way to protect the player from anything being broken or low drama. They try really hard to make sure everything is insulated and protected and you’re only looking in this direction while this scripted thing happens and you therefore get the maximum rollercoaster ride. Games can either be described as rollercoasters – which is all crafted and very highdrama – or that time when you were 16 and you and your friend broke into an abandoned house and you had the most intense moments waiting for the door to open, and then there were moments where, ‘Ah, I expected something grand to happen but nothing happened; it was just an empty room.’ But it was all your experience, right? So they can either be this crafted roller-coaster drama or they can be this ‘explore an abandoned house with your friends [experience].’ The latter is what we’re going for.”
--Harvey Smith, co-creative director
Author: Brock Wilbur